Lucian Blaga - Wikipedia
Lucian Blaga (Romanian: [lutʃiˈan ˈblaɡa] ⓘ; 9 May 1895 – 6 May 1961) was a Romanian philosopher, poet, playwright, poetry translator and novelist. He is considered one of the greatest philosophers and poets of Romania, and a prominent philosopher of the twentieth century who due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding his career ...
Lucian Blaga - Wikipedia
Lucian Blaga (n. 9 mai 1895, Lancrăm, Alba, România – d. 6 mai 1961, Cluj, România) a fost un eseist, filozof, poet, dramaturg, traducător, jurnalist, profesor universitar, academician și diplomat român. S-a născut la Lancrăm, lângă Sebeș. Localitatea natală se afla atunci în comitatul Sibiu.
Blaga, Lucian - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Lucian Blaga was a prominent philosopher in Eastern Europe during the period between the two world wars. Trained in both Eastern Orthodox theology and classical philosophy, he developed a “speculative” philosophy that includes books on epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of ...
Blaga, Lucian - Encyclopedia.com
A poet, philosopher, translator, and dramatist, Romanian writer Lucian Blaga (1895–1961) narrowly missed winning the 1956 Nobel Prize for Literature because of Soviet government interference.
Lucian Blaga – viața, debutul literar și operele celebre scrise de ...
2021年2月5日 · Dramaturg și filozof, Lucian BLaga a fost una dintre personalitățile culturale ale României din perioada interbelică și a rămas în amintirea noastră datorită celor mai frumoase poezii. Citește despre viața și operele lui Lucian Blaga.
Lucian Blaga | Romanian author | Britannica
Poet and essayist Lucian Blaga attempted to provide a philosophical foundation for the description of Romanian national characteristics, partly determined by geographical conditions, while Gala Galaction translated the Bible and wrote novels on biblical subjects.
Lucian Blaga, poetul metafizic - Historia
Una dintre cele mai importante figuri ale culturii româneşti, Lucian Blaga s-a remarcat prin lirica vitalismului dionisiac, un sistem filosofic comparabil ca arhitecturã cu cel al lui Hegel, piese de teatru impregnate de suflul expresionist şi o vocaţie intelectualã de excepţie.
Personality | "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu - ulbsibiu.ro
Lucian Blaga (1895-1961) was born in the village of Lancram (White County) in the central Transylvania; he studied in Sibiu and Brasov and studied theology in Vienna. After a period of almost seven years in diplomacy, in Bern and Lisbon, he became professor at the University of Cluj-Napoca, where the department was created especially for him of ...
Romanian Personalities - Lucian Blaga
Lucian Blaga was a commanding personality of the Romanian culture of the inter-bellum period. He was a philosopher and writer acclaimed for his originality, a university professor and a diplomat. He was born on May 9, 1895 in Lancram, near Alba Iulia, Romania, into a …
“That Bitterness of Being Young, and Loving”: Lucian Blaga’s …
2019年3月4日 · In 1919, before earning his reputation as an influential Romanian modernist, Lucian Blaga was a sensitive, passionate newlywed who penned his first book Poems of Light (Poemele Luminii), now out in a discerning new translation by Gabi Reigh.