Groundwater Wells - LA County Public Works
We plan, design, build, and maintain modern infrastructure that uplifts all communities of Los Angeles County.
Active Wells - Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Public Works has developed a groundwater well web viewer to provide the public with current and historical groundwater depth information throughout Los Angeles County.
Active Wells - Overview - ArcGIS
2020年6月8日 · Los Angeles County Public Works has developed a groundwater well web viewer to provide the public with current and historical groundwater depth information throughout Los Angeles County.
California's Groundwater Live
Explore Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility within Groundwater Basins. This section includes the latest information on land subsidence in California based on DWR’s Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) remote sensing and continuous global …
Active Wells - ArcGIS
Los Angeles County Public Works has developed a groundwater well web viewer to provide the public with current and historical groundwater depth information throughout Los Angeles County.
Local Groundwater | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
2015年8月26日 · Los Angeles has 115 groundwater production wells in the San Fernando Basin and today approximately half are unusable due to contamination. The loss of so many wells means Los Angeles is unable to pump its adjudicated groundwater rights.
California's Groundwater Live: Groundwater Levels - ArcGIS …
The total number of wells that meet the given selection criteria are displayed in the indicator located in the the lower right portion of the dashboard. Explore groundwater level conditions by county, groundwater basin, hydrologic region, depth …
Water Quality - ArcGIS StoryMaps
In 2018 groundwater met almost 40% of water demand for 4 million people who live in the Central and West Coast Basin ; Groundwater basins belong to LA County but we have found that there are private wells that belong to residents . These wells are used for domestic, irrigation/industrial, municipal, and water supply needs
LADWP has eight major wellfields within the SFB. These are: Tujunga, Rinaldi-Toluca, NHOU, North Hollywood, Erwin, Whitnall, Verdugo, and Pollock. These wells were installed over a period spanning from 1924 to 1991, with the most recent installations being the Rinaldi-Toluca Wellfield in 1988, and the Tujunga Wellfield in 1991.
Groundwater deep beneath L.A. area slow to recharge, study finds - Los ...
2025年2月13日 · Scientists used data from seismic sensors to track groundwater beneath the Los Angeles area. Heavy rains in 2023 restored shallow waters, scientists found, but deep aquifers remain depleted.