Logo Programming Language - MIT Media Lab
Logo Programming The Logo Programming Language, a dialect of Lisp, was designed as a tool for learning. Its features - interactivity, modularity, extensibility, flexibility of data types - follow …
What Is Logo? - MIT Media Lab
Logo is a language for learning – about computer programming, but also about other domains – mathematics, language, art, music… Find out more about Logo Programming … The Logo …
A Logo Primer - MIT Media Lab
But if we tell Logo . square. Logo responds with the message: I don't know how to square . So we teach Logo a new word. to square repeat 4 [forward 50 right 90] end. Now if we type square, …
Logo History - MIT Media Lab
Logo is a growing family of programming languages and a learning environments, and a worldwide community of people drawn together by a shared commitment to a constructivist …
Logo Software and Hardware - MIT Media Lab
Programming is done in text, similar to what you will see on the pages Logo Programming and A Logo Primer on this website. UCB Logo. Also called Berkeley Logo, this version was …
Logo Resources - Books - MIT Media Lab
Volume 1: Symbolic Computing is a Logo programming text, featuring natural language processing (words and lists), including three example project chapters. Functional …
Turtle Art - MIT Media Lab
A Logo Primer is a brief introduction to Turtle Geometry and the Logo programming language. An Introduction to Logo and Turtle Geometry is a a series of brief video clips in which Seymour …
Logo and Learning - MIT Media Lab
Logo is designed to be an environment in which Piagetian learning can occur and is supported. Papert's widely read and highly influential book Mindstorms was published in 1981, just …
Logo and Natural Language - MIT Media Lab
Logo is well suited to explorations of natural language. This is because Logo's data structures - words and lists - closely parallel the words, phrases, and sentences that make up spoken and …
ArtLogo and Turtle Art - MIT Media Lab
2022年2月12日 · If you have worked with traditional versions of Logo, ArtLogo will be familiar. But you will see how the graphics capabilities have been greatly enhanced. Working with TurtleArt …