Welcome to Lockerbie Academy's website. We hope you will find it interesting and easy to use. We constantly update and improve this site, to make it as helpful as possible.
Lockerbie Academy, Glasgow Road, Lockerbie, DG11 2AT. Phone Number. 01576 205170. Reporting absence. Absences should be reported by text message to 07860029414. This number does not take voice calls and can only be used to text. E-mail. [email protected]
Lockerbie Academy. Forward Lockerbie; a caring, learning community. Mathematics and ICT. Mathematics and ICT. Welcome to the Mathematics and ICT Faculty. In our Faculty we currently offer the following courses; ICT - S1 + S2 IT, National 4/5 and Higher Administration and National 5 and Higher Business Management.
Lockerbie Academy. Forward Lockerbie; a caring, learning community. School Staff. Senior Management Team. Headteacher: Mr B Asher: Depute Headteacher: Ms K Currie: Depute Headteacher: Mr M Downie: Depute Headteacher: Ms C McNay: School Support Manager: Mrs K Cameron . Extended Management Team. Principal Teacher Curriculum (PTC)
This year we have refreshed our Learning, Teaching and Assessment policy - "Lockerbie Learns". We have also agreed a common lesson structure - "The Lockerbie Lesson."
everything we can learn from it, to make Lockerbie Academy’s vision a reality: “Forward Lockerbie – A aring, Learning ommunity” I will write to you again before hristmas and I look forward to seeing many of you at the School Show
Lockerbie Academy Handbook 2024 Welcome to our handbook for 2024, where you should find all the information required by the Education (School and Placing Information) (Scotland) Regulations 2012. A printed copy of this handbook is available from the school office.
The Lockerbie Academy Handbook 2025 [pdf 1MB] Mobile Phone Policy [pdf 583KB] Child Protection Policy Feb24 [pdf 261KB] Learning and Teaching Policy 2023 [docx 47KB] Health Care in Schools 3-18 [pdf 331KB] LGBT Youth Scotland Charter [pdf 1MB] School Transport - A Guide for Pupils and Parents 2019
During the first year at Lockerbie Academy, we build on the Science skills and knowledge learned in Primary to develop critical thinking, careful observing, accurate measuring and confident calculating skills.