LK I - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Leichter Kampfwagen (中文: 轻型战斗车辆) 或“ LK I ”是第一次世界大战期间德国制造的原型轻型坦克。 计划作为廉价的轻型坦克,而非昂贵的重型坦克投入使用。 然而,战争结束前只到达原型阶段。 LK I由 约瑟夫·沃尔默 设计。 该型装甲车基于 戴姆勒 汽车 底盘,使用现有的轴安装链轮及惰轮。 其设计遵循汽车实践,采用前置发动机及后置驾驶舱。 是第一种装备炮塔、配备 7.92毫米 MG08 机枪 的德国装甲战斗车辆。 到1918年中期时该型号只生产了两辆原型车 [1] 且未被采购 …
LK I - Wikipedia
The Leichter Kampfwagen (English: light combat vehicle) or "LK I" was a German light tank prototype of the First World War. Designed to be a cheap light tank as opposed to the expensive heavies coming into service at the time, the tank only reached the prototype stage before the end of …
LK I - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
Leichter Kampfwagen (中文: 輕型戰鬥車輛) 或「LK I」是第一次世界大戰期間德國製造的原型輕型坦克。計劃作為廉價的輕型坦克,而非昂貴的重型坦克投入使用。然而,戰爭結束前只到達原型階段。
LK I | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Leichter Kampfwagen (English: light combat car) or "LK I" was a German light tank prototype of the First World War. The LK I was designed by Joseph Vollmer. It was based on a Daimler car chassis, using the existing axles to mount sprocket and idler wheels.
Leichter Kampfwagen I (LK I) Prototype Light Tank - Military Factory
2019年7月31日 · The Leichter Kampfwagen I ("LK I") was intended as a lightweight, tracked armored vehicle for the infantry support role. Its primary purpose was to assist in the support a future, production-quality combat vehicle for the German Army.
Leichter Kampfwagen II (LKII) - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年1月18日 · This is the British Medium Mark A, Whippet tank. Compare it with the shape of the German Leichter Kampfwagen LK.II light tank. Illustration by David Bocquelet. The German words ‘Leichter Kampfwagen’ literally translates to ‘light combat vehicle.’ A better translation would be ‘light tank.’ The tank was also known as the LK.II.
LK-I战车的介绍 - 百度知道
LK I - Wikiwand
The Leichter Kampfwagen (English: light combat vehicle) or "LK I" was a German light tank prototype of the First World War. Designed to be a cheap light tank as opposed to the expensive heavies coming into service at the time, the tank only reached the prototype stage before the end of …
LK I Light Tank - Army Tanks
2019年2月17日 · The LK I was a German light tank that was designed to be simple and easy to produce. Its designer was Joseph Vollmer. Vollmer also had a hand in the creation of the A7V Sturmpanzer-Kraftwagen. Designed in 1918, the LK I, or Leichte Kampfwagen I, had a layout like that of a typical car. It had the chassis of a Daimler car.
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