what is a hypodense liver mass? it was found through ct
2015年1月31日 · A CT scan in ER found a 6 cm by 4 cm mass on liver and Im trying to understand what that means. My mom has stage 4 metastatic cancer of lungs, but primary is …
shadow on liver ct scan - HealthTap
Had an incidental finding of a 52mm solid mass on liver. ct scan couldn't find anything so now dr is saying it was a shadow but i need to be rescanned? A doctor has provided 1 answer A …
right hepatic lobe mass - HealthTap
What is the meaning of this sonographic report: liver is enlarged with increased parenchymal echogenicity. there is an irregular, thick-walled heterogeneous mass in the right hepatic lobe, …
ill defined hypodense area on right hepatic lobe abutting capsule ...
2020年3月12日 · Ordered new CT w contrast w liver mass protocol not hemangioma protocol concerning? Ultrasound abdomn. says: 2 hyperechogenic Hepatic lesions Without …
hypodense mass in liver - HealthTap
what is a ovoid hypodense mass in ovarian? & 1.4 cm ovoid hypodense anteriorly ajencent to fissure not seen in prior exam liver. these are ct findings: Ovoid refers to the: shape (oval).
incidental 1.5 cm liver lesion found on us & mri (not on ct
2014年6月10日 · Asian, male, 52, non-alcoholics, negative hep b & c, AFP & cea, CT hepatomegaly w multiple large hypodense lesions w minimal foci of lower attenuation. …
ct scan with contrast found sub-6mm too small to characterize …
2023年3月16日 · This was found incidentally on my CT scan with contrast. The dr didnt even mention it. Should I be concerned? Subcentimeter hypodensity in the right hepatic lobe too …
They found a liver hemangioma on my ct scan. what does this mean?
2013年12月9日 · Common and benign: A liver hemangioma is a benign mass and is one of the most commonly seen liver masses by radiologists. If the suspected hemangioma does not …
can a ct , without contrast tell the difference between liver cysts or ...
2013年2月9日 · Can a CT scan without the dye tell the difference between liver nodules and cysts? Ct found ovarian cystic mass, does that mean a cyst. Can a CT scan tell the difference …
Can any doc tell me what's considered a big tumor/mass on a liver?
2014年6月26日 · If so is tumor only solid mass that can b found in area Please plz helpultrasound shows 1.6cm tumor & other smaller spots in the liver, a large mass in the stomach? Can a …