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  1. The Truth about Oyster-Opening Parties – Timeless Pearl

    Aug 24, 2017 · Live oyster-opening events are all the rage, especially on Facebook Live. Party hosts open oysters to reveal pearls, which party followers then purchase. Love these parties or hate them, but make sure you …

  2. Pearl Parties with ShuckinFun LLC - Facebook

    Pearl Parties with ShuckinFun LLC. 2,071 likes. Oyster pearl openings done live on Facebook! We have Akoya oysters fresh water & rice pearls!

  3. Pearl parties: The multi-level marketing scam that just …

    Nov 23, 2022 · A new twist on the old-school Tupperware party has been flooding Facebook timelines, with multi-hour live streams of people popping open oysters to reveal colorful pearls nestled inside.

  4. Misty's Pearls | Home Page

    Misty's Pearls is an all-new way to shop for pearls. We feature "Live Pearl Parties", Pearl Adoptions and "Open at Home" Oysters. All services are done in-house and feature shipping in as little as two days including mounting of your …

  5. Island Pearls Live

    We live stream on Facebook and YouTube, 7 days a week. Each show has various games and grab bags for live opening. We started with Salt Water Akoya Oysters, with beautiful & precious pearls.

  6. SHUCKIN FUN LLC - Pearl Opening Party Live - Shuckin …

    We provide you with your own AAA Akoya Oyster & fresh water oysters to open and find a spectacular pearl inside! You can choose between opening LIVE on one of our Facebook Party Live Events or open in the privacy of your own home!

  7. People also ask
  8. Oyster Pearl Company - Parties and Oyster Openings

  9. Pearl Party at Home vs. Pearl Parties on Facebook: Scams or Not?

  10. How do the Live Oyster openings work? - Island Pearls Live

  11. The Joyful Pearl - Live Pearl Parties! - Linktree

    Live Oyster Openings & Pearl Parties on Facebook - It's Pearl Time Executive Leader.