SLAM - Shock Level and Maintain - Trouble Free Pool
2023年9月25日 · If you have a salt water chlorine generator, chlorine tablet dispenser, injection pump, or Liquidator, turn it off for the duration of the SLAM process. SLAM by adding liquid …
Best way to add granular shock - Trouble Free Pool
2023年8月23日 · Ps - liquid shock = liquid chlorine or liquid bleach. You can find it in the pool supply aisle of Walmart, Lowe’s, HD or Ace, among others. Or if you are really careful about …
liquid bleach - Trouble Free Pool
2011年7月14日 · Liquid chlorine or Liquid shock (as most pool stores/manufacturers like to call it) is a stronger concentration. It can be found in 10% or 12.5% strength. You can use either …
Liquid Chlorine/Shock - Trouble Free Pool
2023年5月17日 · Jul 21, 2013 61,533 Northern NJ Pool Size 35000 Surface Plaster Chlorine Salt Water Generator SWG Type Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
Is there a difference between bleach and shock?
2017年6月21日 · Yes, Liquid Shock, is the same as Liquid Chlorine, which is the same as Liquid bleach, just difference strengths. I would not add any powdered products until after you get …
Liquid shock? Should I use it? - Trouble Free Pool
2019年7月10日 · Good morning, As a kind gesture from my neighbor for helping with his frog infested pool last week, he gave me three bottles of liquid shock that he found in the garage. …
Is dissolving shock in a 5-gallon bucket = store-bought liquid …
2023年6月8日 · Hi, welcome to TFP! No dissolving powdered shock in water would not be the same. The reason liquid chlorine is better is because it does not come with CYA (like dichlor …
Shock, Bleach or Liquid Chlorine? - Trouble Free Pool
2014年7月8日 · My pool is a swamp and I am following the "Turning Your Green Swamp Back into a Sparkling Oasis" sticky to clear it up. In that thread JasonLion recommends bleach to kill …
High Chlorine After Shock - Trouble Free Pool
2023年7月1日 · Thanks! I was under assumption that liquid chlorine was something different than typical liquid pool shock sold in stores. Another question though, how can I tell what additives …
Liquid chlorine vs Shock Question | Trouble Free Pool
2007年10月27日 · Its a pain to transport so I thought I would try some normal shock. I bought the stuff below and was curious how it compares to a 2.5 gallon jug of the liquid chlorine. I tried to …