What is the cause,treatment and cure for hiatial hernia
Hello Welcome to the Just Answer Website.A hiatal hernia is an anatomical abnormality in which part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm and up into the chest.There are two main types of hiatal hernias: sliding hernia (the junction of the stomach and the esophagus herniate (slide) up into the chest through the hiatus.This is the most common type of hiatal hernia.) and …
Can the linea alba tear and what effect will it have on the
2009年12月26日 · DeraCustomer Hello. there may be epigastric herniation abovethe umblicus where the linea alba tear /defect may cause a hernia.Sometimes multiple defects are seen.There may be mild to very severe pain,sometimes strangulation may occur if the defect is big.You may need a ultrasound/CT scan to confirm the diagnosis.There may be bloating,vomiting …
OB GYN - Linea Alba - JustAnswer
2024年6月7日 · Linea Alba Questions. Date Submitted. I just got a total (except right ovary) hysterectomy 5 weeks 6/7 ...
Linea Alba: Causes, Treatment, and FAQs | Expert Dental Advice
Linea alba is a simple buildup of keratinized tissue (big word for callus) usually caused by friction. The friction is usually from the edges of teeth or some type of appliance rubbing against the inner lining of the cheek. And usually, the thickened tissue …
I have a little bump along my linea alba inside my cheek
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I recently noticed a line that runs on each side of my cheek from …
Welcome .I will do my best to answer your question.I am not a great typist,be patient and feel free to ask if anything is unclear.This white line,commonly known as linea alba,, is a common occurrence and really nothing to worry about.We see this in people who have a tendency to suck on their cheeks and bite them as a habit sometimes used to deal with stress.The ridge that is …
Expert Answers on White Lines Around and On Lips | JustAnswer …
The white line on the inside of your cheek is the linea alba, a normal line that is formed due to cheek biting and friction. It is absolutely harmless and present in almost everyone. It may stay the same or eventually fade away and reappear again. You can ignore it.
Colonoscopy and Hernia: Safety, Risks, and Expert Insights
Good afternoon, and forgive me I'm not sure if you were one of the people I was just recently talking to. It is safe to have a colonoscopy as the colonoscopy scope itself is only looking at the large intestine and with regard to hernias located near the belly button specifically in umbilical hernia, these involve potentially either the fat that is in casing the small intestine or potentially ...
Client C presents complaining of discomfort in the right hand and …
Customer: Client C presents complaining of discomfortin the right hand and wrist. She also has dull achy discomfort and stiffness in her neck more on the right hand side, and in the right shoulder.
Can Anal Sex Cause or Worsen a Hernia? Expert Answers
customer: i have an inguinal hernia in my lower left groin, i am a gay male. i will be having the hernia taken care of in the near future, however what i would like to know is since i engage in occasional anal sexual activity (safe of course) would it aggravate the hernia provided that it has not popped out?