Steam Community :: Guide :: The Ultimate SCP:SL Handbook
2018年7月13日 · "Light Containment Zone is locked down, and ready for decontamination. The removal of organic substances has now begun." This is the zone where Class Ds, scientists and SCP 173 spawn. Learning the Light Containment Zone Hallway and Room Codes is a good idea in the long run if your looking for more efficient escapes, learning what rooms to avoid ...
Disabling Light containment decontamination? :: SCP: Secret …
The reason was obvious and you've just described it. To add, it takes a long time to search an area while people keep dying and hide. Light containment makes it more troublesome as it's an area where people will hide and juke. The nuke's a clearer example, forcing everyone to …
Light Containment Zone :: SCP: Secret Laboratory Game Support
2018年5月15日 · Light Containment Zone During the LCZ decontamination countdown, if you attempt to open the checkpoint doors which are already open they will trigger the couple seconds for you to run through, however the door will automatically close even though they are supposed to be permanetly opened
Light Containment Zone decontamination buff. :: SCP: Secret …
2018年10月29日 · I belive that the LCZ decontamination should be buffed, either by A: making the damage dealt by the decontamination gas in percentages, for example, 096 is trapped in light containment and is going to be gassed/melted, instead of NOT KILLING HIM, it will take about 5-10 seconds to kill him. B: make the LCZ a giant kill barrier after decon ends. it seems very …
SCP:SL Maps [Heavy Containment Zone AND Light Containment …
2022年3月6日 · If you want to enable the decontamination process of the light zone, then there is an admin room near the light zone (Between d-block and checkpoint A). There is a button that enables the decontamination process. Attention! Any copying of contents from the map without the consent of the owner is prohibited! RUS:
SCP: Secret Laboratory Guide 2025 - Steam Community
2022年6月24日 · At the start of each round an in-game 20 minute countdown begins for a lockdown of Light Containment Zone, once the timer reaches 0 LCZ will be locked down and not accessible anymore until the next round. Anyone who is still in LCZ during the decontamination will be killed by the decontamination effect.
Decontamination process Hits Hard - Steam Community
2022年10月25日 · Steam Community: SCP: Secret Laboratory. ,,Light Containment Zone decontamination is locked-down and ready for decontamination. The removal of autistic people has now begun" ~ Probably Narlor, C.A.S.S.I.E.'s voice actor.
Change the LCZ decontamination announcement :: SCP: Secret …
The LCZ announcement is so loud that it is not a sound, it is a shock wave because it is louder than 194 db (the announcement loudness is actually 500 db) My idea is that the announcement should be like: Danger. Light Containment Zone decontamination starts in X minutes And the announcement loudness should be around 40-50 db
Light Containment Zone Guide/Walkthrough - Steam Community
Alright now you have all of your upgraded items its time to lift the Light containment zone lockdown so you can get into the Heavy zone and move further on in the game So to lift the lockdown you will need to find the Surveillance room wich looks like this from outside The door requires a level 3 keycard to open wich you should have by now ...
The five stages of light containment - Steam Community
Once all the survivors have left, light becomes completely quiet. Nothing's left. The most that happens during this stage is maybe some NTF or C.I who managed to get past all the SCPs goes down there to try to get a last minute O5 card. STAGE FIVE DECONTAMINATION LIGHT CONTAINMENT ZONE IS LOCKED DOWN, AND READY FOR DECONTAMINATION.