Tang ping - Wikipedia
Tang ping (Chinese: 躺平; lit. 'lying flat') is a Chinese slang neologism that describes a personal rejection of societal pressures to overwork and over-achieve, such as in the 996 working hour system, which is often regarded as a rat race with ever diminishing returns. [1][2][3][4] Tang ping means choosing to "lie down flat and get over the beati...
'Lying flat': Why some Chinese are putting work second - BBC
2022年2月16日 · The idea of 'lying flat', or tang ping in Chinese, means taking a break from relentless work. The tang ping movement took off during 2021 as many felt they were coming under increasing pressure...
“Lying Flat”: The Demise of the Chinese Workforce and Its Impact …
From the pressures driving individuals to “lay flat” to the government’s redirection of talent and the exodus of highly educated professionals, these issues have rippling effects across society and the global economic landscape.
The Phenomenon of 'Lying Flat' Among Chinese Youth
2023年8月2日 · Embracing the 'Lying Flat' Phenomenon: A Reconsideration of Life Values. In summary, the 'lying flat' phenomenon is a resistance to the high-pressure, high-competition, and high-consumption...
Explainer | What is ‘lying flat’, and why are Chinese officials ...
2021年10月24日 · “Lying flat” is a movement about doing nothing. And that makes it about everything. For months, the chatter surrounding lying flat, or tang ping, has permeated Chinese society, sowed...
lying flat (tang ping) Meaning | Politics by Dictionary.com
2022年1月14日 · What does lying flat mean? Lying flat is a translation of the Chinese phrase tang ping, a Chinese social movement and lifestyle whose followers adopt a more leisurely and nonmaterialistic life in rejection of professional demands and societal expectations.
LIE FLAT Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
to reject overwork and withdraw voluntarily from relentless competition and pressure to achieve. Lying Flat ( def ). tang ping. First recorded in 2021; translation of Chinese tǎng píng “lie flat …
Why China's youth are 'lying flat' in protest of their bleak …
2021年6月9日 · From white-collar workers in China’s bustling cities to university students, an army of frustrated young people are taking to social media and internet message boards to declare themselves “‘lying flat youth”.
Lying Flat - China Media Project
2023年7月17日 · “Lying Flat,” or tangping, is an online meme that arose in April 2021 as an informal social movement in China urging young workers and professionals, including the middle-class Chinese who are to be the engine of Xi Jinping’s domestic boom, to reject social pressure to achieve success in the workplace or fulfillment through consumerism.
With enough to get by, are young people 'lying flat?'
2021年6月7日 · In a widely circulated post on Sina Weibo, the Twitter-like platform, a young woman complained that her boyfriend had joined a "lying-flat" chat group encouraging its members not to have a relationship, get married, or shoulder other responsibilities in order to save money for their own enjoyment.