LGD-3033 Cycle Information - AnabolicMinds.com
Dec 10, 2016 · LGD-3033: 20mg split dose every 8-9 hours (may increase as time goes on). SR-9009: 20mg split does, 7mg pre workout, 7mg 3 hours later, 6mg 3 hours after second dose (may increase to 30mg if necessary).
Lgd 3033 vs 4033? - AnabolicMinds.com
Sep 28, 2020 · 3033 perked me up almost like a slight happy energy pill or something. I noticed increased mood. Other than that nothing. I was also on test, master, and dmz at the time tho. Lgd 4033 on its own made me sleepy nothing else. I could take a nap after dosing. Who knows if either were even real tho
LGD 3303 with RAD140 or S23? - AnabolicMinds.com
Yes I have ran 4033 for 6 weeks at 10mg. Gained about 7 pounds and put a half inch on my arms. After I could not longer gain on 4033, I used 3033 to break new ground. RAD helps my joints somehow and I’m assuming it’s the extra gycogen storage maybe. I …
Anavar Vs LGD-4033 - AnabolicMinds.com
Jul 16, 2020 · Anyways - was running Anavar at 40Mg per week and had enough to do that for 5 weeks. That being said I just ended Anavar and started taking 20Mg LGD-4033. I believe LGD at 20Mg is at least 3x as strong. On Test E and Anavar I was waiting to feel that “god mode” everyone mentions about Test and it never really kicked.
LGD 3303 vs. YK 11 - AnabolicMinds.com
Nov 13, 2022 · Lgd 3303 is way better than lgd 4. Most places sell bunk lgd 3 or they sell lgd 4 as lgd 3. It's very hard to source real lgd 3303 raws. Lgd 4 is just more popular cuz it's available everywhere and there's just alot more feedback on it and you don't have to worry about getting bunk lgd 4 from most places.
Test base for LGD 4033 - AnabolicMinds.com
Jul 27, 2023 · My first farm cycle ever was rad, lgd, and ostarine. The results I got from that were some of the best I’ve had, including steroid cycles. What I didn’t know is that it would suppress me worst the. I ever have been before. My levels were at 137 when I checked them.
Anyone cycled lgd 3303 yet? - AnabolicMinds.com
Dec 10, 2016 · I actually just started my cycle of LGD 3033 this morning at a split 20mg a day, I'll keep you guys updated with any progress I had with it. Also running Stenabolic at split 20mg a day. I've taken Ligandrol a handful of times and have *kept* about 8 pounds from it so I'll compare as I go along, let's hope it works well!
WOMEN: Consider Ligandrol (LGD-4033) - AnabolicMinds.com
Aug 7, 2017 · My wife had sides from LGD. Clit enlargement and slight voice changes. I would not recommend women using it. Had a conversation on reddit with a girl who used 12 (!) mg a day of LGD with severe changes to her voice as a result.
LGD-3033 Cycle Information - AnabolicMinds.com
Dec 10, 2016 · LGD-3033 Cycle Information. Thread starter theoutcasted; Start date Dec 10, 2016; Prev. 1; 2; 3; First ...
LGD-3033 Cycle Information - AnabolicMinds.com
Dec 10, 2016 · I'm doing a log on lgd 4033 so far not much difference for me do you feel like it's doing something for you or could it be placebo effect? I definitely feel stronger brotha, I've used LGD-4033 a few times and have gotten mixed results depending on the lab, dose, and form of it used. I've gotten...