Laysan duck - Wikipedia
The Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis), also known as the Laysan teal, is a dabbling duck endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Fossil evidence reveals that Laysan ducks once lived across the entire archipelago, but today survive only on Laysan Island and two atolls.
Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis) - Hawaii Bird Guide
The Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis) is a fascinating and unique species of duck that is native to the Hawaiian Islands. This small, colorful duck is known for its distinctive plumage, which includes a green head, brownish-gray body, and bright orange legs and feet.
Division of Forestry and Wildlife: Wildlife Program | Laysan Duck
The Laysan duck is a small dabbling duck (Family: Anatidae) endemic to Hawai‘i, and until recently was restricted to Laysan Island (370 hectares, or 911 acres) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI).
Laysan Duck - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Laysan duck (American Ornithologists Union 1998), also known as the Laysan teal, is a small (38.1 to 43.2 centimeters [15 to 17 inches] in length, weight 420 to 500 grams [14.8 to 17.6 ounces]), mostly chocolate-brown duck with contrasting bi-colored body feathers (USFWS 1982; Moulton and Marshall 1996).
Sea Wonder: Laysan Duck - National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
2020年11月20日 · The endangered Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis) is the rarest duck in the northern hemisphere, and it has the smallest geographic range. Fossil records show these ducks once lived throughout the Hawaiian Islands but now live on Laysan Island and two atolls only.
Essential Biology: The Laysan Duck is a small (420-500 g) brownish duck wing orange legs and a white patch around the eye. The bill is greenish in males and orange in females.
Creature Feature: Laysan Duck
The Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis) is considered to be one of the most critically endangered waterfowl in the world, and is endemic to Hawaiʻi. It is a small duck, dark in color, and is capable of flight but generally stays on the ground to nest, hiding among vegetation.
2015年10月1日 · SPECIES INFORMATION: The Laysan duck is a small dabbling duck (Family: Anatidae) endemic to Hawai‘i, and until recently was restricted to Laysan Island (370 hectares, or 911 acres) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI).
Laysan Duck - eBird
Highly range-restricted duck with a splotchy white “comma” around each eye. Found only on the Midway Islands, where it is the only resident duck. Forages on sand flats and small saline ponds and lakes on the islands, frequently consuming brine flies.
LAYSAN DUCK Anas laysanensis Other: Laysan Teal monotypic native resident, endemic, endangered The Laysan Duck has the most restricted range and (often) population of any of the world’s waterfowl species. Through most of its known history it has been endemic to Laysan in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, although it occurred throughout the