来喜 - 首页
Laixi Screen Mirroring is a free software that allows you to control your phone from your computer. You can mirror your phone screen to your computer and use the mouse and keyboard as virtual keys to control the phone in reverse. You can control it manually or use automatic scripts. All functions of the phone can be realized on the computer.
Basic Tutorial | Laixi FAQ
Basic Tutorial. Laixi's introductory tutorial, teaching you how to connect your cell phone, hub, motherboard, OTG chassis. 📄️ Using USB Or Hubs. ⚡ How to cast your cell phone screen to Laixi via data cable - a must see for newbies!
来喜 - 立即下载
Laixi Screen Mirroring is a free software that allows you to control your phone from your computer. You can mirror your phone screen to your computer and use the mouse and keyboard as virtual keys to control the phone in reverse. You can control it manually or use automatic scripts. All functions of the phone can be realized on the computer.
热门视频 | Laixi FAQ
### 动作录制教程
投屏到来喜的方法 | Laixi FAQ
投屏到来喜的方法. 来喜的入门教程,教你如何连接手机,集线器,主板机,otg机箱. 📄️ 如何使用usb 连接手机|集线器. ⚡手机如何通过数据线,投屏到来喜上 - 新手必看
Index | Laixi FAQ
⚡ How to enable Android USB debugging 查看教程
Hello from Laixi FAQ | Laixi FAQ
Laixi FAQ. English 中文. Docs
http Down File to Phone | Laixi FAQ
http Down File to Phone. Download files to your phone via http/https. 通过http/https 下载文件到手机
首页 | Laixi FAQ
⚡ 启用 手机-开发者选项->usb 调试 查看教程
安装来喜APP | Laixi FAQ
安装来喜APP. ⚡如何安装来喜APP,用于支持输入法和脚本. 1.对着小屏幕右键 选中 安装来喜APP 2.如果想手动安装,来喜APP的文件存放于: 来喜安装目录\Laixi\tools\platform-tools ⚡ 安装来喜APP后,请赋予来喜APP以下权限以确保所有功能正常工作