What is the difference between "largest" and "biggest"?
The two aren't always interchangeable in my opinion. Take this example. What is the largest lake in the world? Compare this to 'the biggest lake'. To my mind, the largest is the one with the greatest surface area, the biggest may have a smaller surface area but be deeper and therefore contain more water...and be 'bigger'.
Largest, greatest or biggest | UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum
2015年11月11日 · When you get some extra tiime, you may want to do what I did. I went to the "books" section of Google and typed in these words: Battle of Koniggratz greatest biggest largest battle. Of course, I checked only a few dozen results: many used "largest"; some used "biggest"; and a few used "greatest."
[Grammar] 'largest number of' and 'biggest number of'
2010年6月29日 · Largest, Biggest - used when there are more than two objects to compare - ie three or more. 'It was the largest tree in the field'. 'It was the largest number of students that the teacher had ever taught in one class'.
What is the difference between biggest and largest? - Answers
'Largest or Large' is aptly used with the quantity words: Large scale, Large amount, Largest Army, Largest city (considering area), Large quantity of, a large proportion, to a large extent ...
grammar - Greatest number or highest number - English …
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[Grammar] the larger/largest of the two? - UsingEnglish.com
2010年5月8日 · In a grammar book, the author marked that "I paid the larger of two the bills" is the correct sentence, though "I paid the largest of the two bills" is commoner, because we are comparing two items. Then, would this structure be grammatically correct too: "I paid the largest bill of the two"...
List the 10 largest bays in the world in order? - Answers
2024年12月24日 · The 10 largest bays in the world, in order of size, are: Hudson Bay, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, Bay of Campeche, Great Australian Bight, Bay of Biscay, Gulf of Carpentaria, James Bay, Baffin Bay ...
what is the difference between the big and the biggest?
2022年8月28日 · The biggest difference between those two houses was the price. This would mean that there were several differences, some of them even big differences, but the biggest difference of all was the price. Sentence 1 ranks the differences. But I might also say this: The big difference between those two houses was the price.
"bigger" vs. "more big" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
What is the biggest supermarket chain in the US? - Answers
2022年4月28日 · What is the meaning of Largest vs. Biggest? Kroger, under many other names owns over 20,000 supermarkets. I do not believe that are that many Walmart Stores in the US and every Walmart does not ...