What is a landslide and what causes one? | U.S. Geological Survey
Landslides are a type of "mass wasting," which denotes any down-slope movement of soil and rock under the direct influence of gravity. The term "landslide" encompasses five modes of slope movement: falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows.
Mass movement | Geology, Landslides & Mudflows | Britannica
Mass movement, bulk movements of soil and rock debris down slopes in response to the pull of gravity, or the rapid or gradual sinking of the Earth’s ground surface in a predominantly vertical direction. Formerly, the term mass wasting referred to …
Landslide Types and Processes - USGS Publications Warehouse
2016年11月29日 · The term "landslide" describes a wide variety of processes that result in the downward and outward movement of slope-forming materials including rock, soil, artificial fill, or a combination of these. The materials may move by falling, toppling, sliding, spreading, or flowing.
Landslide - Education | National Geographic Society
2024年4月26日 · A mass wasting is any downward movement in which Earth's surface is worn away. Other types of mass wasting include rockfalls and the flow of shore deposits called alluvium. Near populated areas, landslides present major hazards to people and property. Landslides cause an estimated 25 to 50 deaths and $3.5 billion in damage each year in the ...
10.5: Landslide Types and Processes - Geosciences LibreTexts
These schematics illustrate the major types of landslide movement. Although many types of mass movements are included in the general term “landslide,” the more restrictive use of the term refers only to mass movements, where there is a distinct zone of weakness that separates the slide material from more stable underlying material.
Landslides and other Mass Movements - University of California, …
2020年6月10日 · Deforestation is particularly devastating in the tropics and causes mass wasting. Contrary to what a lush tropical rain forest would suggest, the fertile humus layer is very thin so is easy to erode. In fact, the soil is good only for a few seasons so farmers have to move on to new sections in the forest.
Rapid landslide detection from free optical satellite imagery using …
2025年2月8日 · use Sentinel-2 images to detect the occurrence of the landslide and estimate the time in which the movements began (only for landslides formed after the launch of Sentinel-2 in June 2015);
Mass Movements Classification – Landslide Mitigation
The type of movement describes the actual internal mechanics of how the landslide mass is displaced: fall, topple, slide, spread, or flow (which are all individually described below). Landslides are thus described using the two terms that refer respectively to material and movement (that is, rockfall, debris flow, and so forth).
Understanding landslides - British Geological Survey
A landslide is a mass movement of material, such as rock, earth or debris, down a slope. They can happen suddenly or more slowly over long periods of time. When the force of gravity acting on a slope exceeds the resisting forces of a slope, the slope will fail and a landslide occurs.
Know different causes of mass wasting and mass movements. Learn about mode of earth and rock mass failures and types of landslides. Relate and quantify rock mass properties to identify vulnerability of slopes