• the Lambeth Council (“the Council”); • Eligible Applicants (“Applicant”) whose claims have been accepted by the Scheme; and • Arbitrators. 2. Definitions 2.1 The following words have the following meanings where they appear in these Terms of Reference – ‘Applicant’ means a resident with a council tenancy/lease or
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth on 10th March 2021 made the Lambeth (Cycle Lanes) (No. 1) Traffic Order 2021 and the Lambeth (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. 301) Order 2021, under sections 6 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. 2.
In Lambeth Council’s report “Addressing Childhood Obesity and Promoting Healthy Weight in Lambeth” it states that of children in Year 6 in Lambeth, “24.6% are deemed obese against 23.1% for London and 20.1% nationally” and that 70% of obese children go on to become obese
Charging Schedule issued by the Mayor of London. Lambeth Council is the Collecting Authority for Mayoral CIL and passes CIL monies collected on to Transport for London. Lambeth Council is permitted to retain up to 4% of the CIL collected to cover administrative costs. Until 31 March 2019, Mayoral CIL was charged in Lambeth at a flat rate of £ ...
Lambeth Council IICSA Action Plan 15 December 2021 / page 4. The publication of the Investigation Report . in July 2021 by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse shone a light on one of the most painful and most profoundly shocking truths about Lambeth Council’s history. The council consistently failed some
Lambeth Council will provide you with appropriate signs free of charge for the first date of your event. It is the applicant’s responsibility to store these signs (off the public highway) for any future events as any additional signs required will be chargeable. It is also the applicant’s
Council’s housing development programme – Homes for Lambeth The council and Homes for Lambeth (the council’s wholly owned house building company) has identified both the land and the council finance needed to deliver 4,662 new-built homes by 2024. Lambeth has prioritised sustainable development principles in its Local Plan.
Lambeth Council / Miss Leila Naboulsi, David Miller Architects, 41-42 Foley Street London W1W 7TS Approval of details pursuant to conition 4 (Method of Construction Statement) of Planning Permission Ref: 19/02382/FUL (Erection of new double pedestrian entrance gate to existing masonry boundary wall along Wyvil Road.
the transition to electric vehicles (Lambeth Council is currently committed to install over 200 charging points by 2022). Electric vehicles contribute to improvements in air quality, specifically nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and so the Council wishes to encourage their use. The current lack of
Borough of Lambeth Council Introduction 1. This Note sets out my initial thoughts on selecting the main modifications (MMs) to the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan Proposed Submission Version, (the Plan). My Note uses the Council’s Proposed Changes Document [SD17b – Schedule of potential changes (updated 4 December 2020)] as the starting point.