Leatherskin or Spotted Queenfish, Lai, Scomberoides lysan
2013年9月26日 · Silver with reflective spots, black tipped dorsal fin and dark tail. Fin spines are venomous. The tough leathery skin is dried to make fishing lures. Excellent food fish with oily …
Hawaiian Fish Name Translations - Hawaii Nearshore Fishing
laenihi – Peacock wrasse, razor fish, more commonly referred to the Japanese name “nabeta’. Arguably the best eating nearshore fish. Fried whole with scales on to a golden brown.
21 Common Hawaiian Fish Names and Pictures of Each!
2023年12月11日 · Here is a guide to some of the most popular and unusual-looking reef fish in Hawai’i. I’ve included their Hawaiian fish names and pictures of each, as well as their more …
Hawaii Shorefishing - Living in Hawaii
There are some regulated fishing areas that you must know about before you grab your rods and tackle. Don’t just fish anywhere, take the time to research. It could save you a hefty fine. Click …
List of fishes of Hawaii - Wikipedia
The seven native fish species regularly seen in fresh water are the flagtail (Kuhlia xenura), the mullet (Mugil cephalus), the gobies (Awaous stamineus, Lentipes concolor, Sicyopterus …
Goatfish are com-mon in inshore waters, and are among the most popular food fish in Hawaii. Description: Juveniles greenish with red fins, body coloration becomes brick red with age; …
Doublespotted queenfish - Wikipedia
The doublespotted queenfish (Scomberoides lysan) is a tropical game fish in family Carangidae (jacks). It is associated with reefs and ranges widely throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Favorite shoreline fish to eat - Hawaii Nearshore Fishing
2019年12月17日 · (top to bottom, left to right) Omilu, lai, uku, kawelea, wahanui, weke ula/weke nono, moana/moano The Holoholo writers share their favorite fish to eat that could be caught, …
Leatherback Fish Skin | Lai Skin | Fishing in Hawaii | Best Bait ...
Showing you how one of the most underutilized fish makes great fishing material for lures. "Leatherback fish" or what we call in Hawaii "Lai."Link to catchi...
Fish | allaboutfish
A relative of the jack family, the Lai is a fast and agile fish found hunting mainly in the mornings. Its striking silver color often leads it to be mistaken for schooling fish like mullet, goatfish, or …