  1. Copilot 答案

    Lack of growth opportunities is a big reason why …

    • “Organizations should talk about the three Es: experience, expertise, and exposure,” said Jeff McHenry, PhD, principal of Seattle-based Rainier Leadership Solutions. An industrial-organizational psy… 展开

    Pathways for career advancement

    To keep top performers, more companies today are developing talent marketplaces, online portals where employees can see current openings, read job descriptions, and understand t… 展开

    American Psychological Association
    Relevant, reciprocal feedback

    “The holy grail of performance management is for leaders to have really good conversations with their people about how they’re doing,” Cober said. That involves manage… 展开

    American Psychological Association
    Learning and accomplishment

    With an emphasis on learning, companies can create a fluid, flexible workforce. One approach is “upskilling,” internal programs that teach new skills or upgrade existing skills. Notably, u… 展开

    American Psychological Association
    Further reading

    The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty: The Eroding Work Experience in America; Blustein, D. L., Oxford University Press, 2019; Organizational career growth an… 展开

    American Psychological Association