This Lab Safety Plan is a template that can be used by any Baylor university laboratory where chemical use is minimal to non-existent. Filling in the specific information for your laboratory
SECTION 1 (pg. 6)- Safety Orientation Checklist (check applicable fields) This area is used for documenting training that has occurred in all labs where the topic and its application are required. This form should act as a lab specific training template for all new lab members.
Lab Safety Plan Toolkit | UMN University Health & Safety
It is a template for research laboratories at UMN to state their lab-specific safety policies, procedures, and documentation. This web toolkit will give you specific guidance as to the content required in an LSP and will give you resources to help you complete those sections.
The purpose of this Laboratory Safety Plan is to promote teaching and research activities while providing procedures that will ensure the safety of personnel working in laboratories when handling hazardous chemicals, radioactive materials, biological agents or while operating certain types of equipment that could cause physical harm.
Specifically, it describes the procedures to be used to insure a safe working environment while working with regulated recombinant DNA systems, infectious microorganisms, or human cell cultures and human body fluids. This manual will be reviewed annually by the Principal Investigator for changes or corrections to ensure that it is accurate.
This form should act as a lab-specific training template for all new lab members. After completing the training, check off and date those training modules that apply and have the employee sign the form.
Laboratory Safety Plan | Environmental Health & Safety Office
The Laboratory Safety Plan (LSP), formerly known as a Laboratory Compliance Manual is a supplement to the UMN Chemical Hygiene Plan. It is a template for research laboratories to contain their lab-specific safety policies, procedures, and documentation.
Review Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) or other references for recommended spill cleanup methods and materials, and the need for personal protective equipment (e.g., respirator, gloves, protective clothing, etc.)
Instructions for Completing Laboratory Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan This form is to be used as a template. Please read and complete all applicable sections. This document will assist your laboratory as well as EH&S in ensuring all personnel are aware of and have been trained appropriately on hazards, safety measures, and general laboratory ...
The purpose of this Laboratory Safety Plan is to promote these activities while providing procedures that will ensure the safety of personnel working in laboratories where extremely dangerous materials (including “Dangerous Gases”, highly reactive or …