Our History - Latea Lounge
Our beverages include bubble tea and iced tea utilizing all natural organic tea with a wide array of flavors including favorites such as caramel, vanilla, coffee, and honey.
Choose Menu By Location - Latea Lounge
Choose Menu By LocationCulver City Denver Champaign West LafayetteMenu
CULVER CITY - Latea Lounge
CULVER CITY - CA 3851 Main St, Culver City, CA 90232 Phone. 424-603-4118 Email. [email protected] GET DIRECTIONSCulver City Location page.
CHAMPAIGN - Latea Lounge
CHAMPAIGN - IL 601 S 6th St, Suite 3105, Champaign, IL 61820 Phone. 217-954-1855 Email. [email protected] GET DIRECTIONSChampaign Location page.
Denver - Latea Lounge
Denver Location page.
358 East State Street,West Lafayette,
CAREERS - Latea Lounge
Latea Bubble Tea Lounge is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any applicant or employee because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or …
Bubble Tea Catering - Latea Lounge
The Latea journey begins! The founders met for the very first time at Purdue Village, at a resident dorm in Purdue University. Despite the founders coming from different geographical location, …
About Latea - Latea Lounge
Our beverages include bubble tea and iced tea utilizing all natural organic tea with a wide array of flavors including favorites such as caramel, vanilla, coffee, and honey.
team - Latea Lounge
The Latea journey begins! The founders met for the very first time at Purdue Village, at a resident dorm in Purdue University. Despite the founders coming from different geographical location, …