LTV 4 Rules location - BattleTech
Mar 1, 2020 · Re: LTV 4 Rules location « Reply #2 on: 29 February 2020, 10:43:10 » XTRO Primitives vol 2 ( and the whole primitives series) catalog designs from what is known as the Age of War during the 25th and 26th centuries before the establishment of the Star League in 2570.
Vehicle of the Week: LTV-4 Hover Tank - BattleTech
May 4, 2012 · The LTV-4 actually has an even older heritage to which the ancient RS: Volume 5 was just the epilogue. The game history goes back to the GDL Scenario book, which gives hugely basic stats for it as the "HVT" and then suggests the player reconstruct it via CityTech, whose 1st ed. must've been a brand-new release at the time.
Tell me about the....LTV4 - BattleTech
I'm looking for a lance of cavalry hover tanks for SW period merc unit and these seem ideal. From what I can tell from MUL is they move 7/11 and with 5.5 tons of armour with a PPC/SRM4 in a turret.
LVT-4 Hover Tank Origin Question - BattleTech
Re: LVT-4 Hover Tank Origin Question « Reply #1 on: 12 July 2013, 19:06:42 » The LVT-4's origins was in fact with the Hovertank in the old Record Sheets vol. 5.
LTV-7 Advanced Hovertank - BattleTech
Jan 24, 2024 · PPC is upgraded to an ER version, while the SRM-4 is changed over to an MML-5 (w/ 2 tons of ammo). Armor was also changed to HvyFF which means any part of it can withstand a Clan ERPPC doubletap, while the nose can withstand a triple. A less expensive variant would simply reduce the engine size one step to match the older LTV-4's ICE output of ...
Vehicle of the Week: Gladius Medium Hover Tank - BattleTech
The concept goes all the way back to the LTV-4 and its PPC, and was continued in the form of everyone's favourite floating Claymore mine, the Saladin. In terms of looks, Nielsen's art in The Periphery hearkens back to the old Mad Max days; it's a slab-sided, brutally-functional tank rushing straight towards you, shots bouncing off and around ...
Glenmora Planetary Militia, Post-4th SW - BattleTech
Apr 8, 2012 · Looks like the LTV-4 is only 7/11, and the Bandit has a fusion engine. Given the large number of Maxim variants, it may be easiest to just use a stripped down one as a hover truck. Logged
Need help with Industry in 3025 - BattleTech
Jul 3, 2013 · * Lucas Technologies – (Possible Product – LTV-4 Hover Tank) * Skobel MechWorks CC – Sian * Ceres Metals Industries CC – St. Ives * StarCorps Industries – (Seems to have been built around 3057) * Ceres Metals Industries CC – Sarmaxa * Tao ‘Mechwroks CC – Sarna * Ceres Metals Industries CC – Tikonov
Author Topic: TRO 3025 AU (Read 2104 times) - BattleTech
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: 0 meters Armor: Star Weave Light Light Ferro-Fibrous Armament: 3 Martell ER Medium Lasers 4 Martell Small Pulse Lasers Manufacturer: Bergan Industries Primary Factory: Unknown Communications System: Garret T10 B
Aviation Pictures: A-Seven-th Thread--CorsAirin' Through
Sep 3, 2023 · Author Topic: Aviation Pictures: A-Seven-th Thread--CorsAirin' Through Time and Airspace (Read 78077 times)