Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club - any good?
Sep 17, 2010 · I've been a member for 35+ years and can tell you that LPRGC is a great club. We recently renovated the 100 yard rifle range and will soon complete a new outdoor pistol range. The general meeting is held on the 1st Tuesday of each month and is a …
Jul 29, 2014 · Yesterday I had the pleasure of shooting an IDPA match at Lower Providence Rod & Gun. My usual fourth weekend of the month match (Easton) was cancelled, so I decided to give LPRGC a try - I'm glad I did. I don't know what prompted it, but there was a mass of new shooters there yesterday.
LPRGC - Membership, talk to me...
Mar 14, 2015 · I see a lot of threads mention LPRGC. They're definitely the closest game in town to my new home ...
LPRGC I.D.P.A. questions - forum.pafoa.org
Jun 24, 2014 · I have been trying to make my first match and I think I can get to the 6/28 one????? 1) About how long does a match take...roughly ,I know it depends on turnout and such.
IDPA @ LPRGC - Page 2 - forum.pafoa.org
Yesterday I had the pleasure of shooting an IDPA match at Lower Providence Rod & Gun. My usual fourth weekend of the month match (Easton) was cancelled, so I decided to give LPRGC a try - I'm glad I did. I don't know what prompted it, but …
LPRGC Sponsor
Sep 14, 2011 · Hello all, I work right down the street from Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club, and would like to join up so that I'll have a place to shoot pistol and some trap/rifle.
Question about LPRGC
Mar 5, 2013 · I recently joined LPRGC and am still completing the requirements, etc. Does it matter what order I complete them in? I've already attended the first general meeting. I missed the work party last month. Can I go to the second general meeting tonight and complete the other requirements this month.
May I be your 1 time guest at LPRGC? - forum.pafoa.org
Mar 21, 2020 · Hello, all, hoping i can find a bit of help! Im looking to take a couple guns to the range for a function test asap, in light of current events.
Is LPRGC subject to some kind of subdivision action?
Re: Is LPRGC subject to some kind of subdivision action? There is also a strip mall being built at the corner of Egypt rd and Pinetown road. August 30th, 2015, 06:12 PM
LPRGC I.D.P.A. questions - forum.pafoa.org
Re: LPRGC I.D.P.A. questions still waiting on my kids Legion Baseball schedule to pan out but im hoping we can finally get to this match. If they let you go without cover garment i might just do that our first time out. just to get one under the belt w/o too many distractions. im sure its going to be a little nerve racking the first match.