See your creation - Live2D
2024年11月5日 · 2025.02.04 Update Cubism Editor 5.2.00 Official Release! 2024.12.24 Sale Cubism PRO 20% OFF – Live2D Holiday Sale until January 6 (Monday), 2025!
Live2D Cubism | 为您的创作灌注生命 - 可以直接对原图进行加工, …
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MOC3文件的验证工具发布. 近日我们发现了存在于Live2D Cubism Core中的漏洞,当读取被篡改的MOC3文件时可能导致「Cubism Editor」和「Cubism Viewer (for OW)」闪退。
Live2D Sample Data (for Free) | Live2D Cubism
This model allows you to learn the function of motion-sync, which can achieve realistic lip-sync. The parameter structure corresponds to the default preset for lip-sync, so it can be used as a reference for how to create the mouth.A model file is provided for each of preset.You can try out the motion-sync function with the included audio file.
Live2D Cubism Editor とは
モデルやアニメーションの制作. Live2D Cubism Editorを使ってキャラクターに動きを付ける「モデリング」を行います。
Download Live2D Cubism Editor
2024年10月22日 · [Regarding macOS Sequoia](Updated October 22, 2024) Cubism Editor (version 5.1.02 and later) is now compatible with macOS Sequoia. Upgrading macOS can also cause you to lose your Cubism Editor license file.
Live2D Cubism Editor
Live2D JUKU. JUKU is an online course by Live2D Creative Studio, where you can learn to become a professional Live2D creator. From beginners to aspiring professionals, you can access a variety of courses at your convenience.
Live2D Cubism | イラストに命が宿る感動を - 描かれた「絵」その …
2024年12月3日 · Live2Dは、世界中のプロクリエイターが愛用する、2Dリアルタイム表現における業界スタンダードツール。スマートフォンアプリ、家庭用ゲーム、VTuber、動画など幅広い用途で使われています。
Live2D Cubism Tutorials | Editor Tutorial | Live2D Manuals
2025年2月4日 · Live2D Cubism Tutorials. Updated: 02/04/2025. This is a tutorial site for Live2D Cubism. See “official website” for a detailed introduction to Cubism products.. How to use the tutorials. These tutorials are designed for people who have never used Cubism or want to understand the whole process of model creation.
Live2D Cubism Editor | Live2D Cubism
3 泛用性高的文件格式. 通过Cubism Editor创建的文件兼容许多第三方应用程序,包括官方的面部捕捉程序「nizima LIVE」,以及在VTuber直播、或社交媒体上使用的虚拟形象,以及电子小说游戏等,在各种场景都能被应用。