Ktor: Build Asynchronous Servers and Clients in Kotlin
Ktor is built from the ground up using Kotlin and Coroutines. You get to use a concise, multiplatform language, as well as the power of asynchronous programming with an intuitive imperative flow.
Welcome | Ktor Documentation
Ktor is a framework for building asynchronous server-side and client-side applications with ease. Get started with Ktor Server Learn how to create, run and test a server application with Ktor.
How to create RESTful APIs in Kotlin with Ktor
2024年12月10日 · Learn to build Kotlin RESTful APIs with Ktor. This tutorial covers setup, routing, and testing on a real-life example. It’s an ideal entry-level tutorial for Kotlin backend developers.
Create, open and run a new Ktor project | Ktor Documentation
2025年1月29日 · Get started with building your first Ktor Server application. In this tutorial you will learn how to create, open and run a new Ktor project.
Create a client application | Ktor Documentation - Ktor Help
2024年6月13日 · Ktor includes a multiplatform asynchronous HTTP client, which allows you to make requests and handle responses, extend its functionality with plugins, such as authentication, JSON serialization, and more. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to create your first Ktor client application that sends a request and prints out a response. Prerequisites
Creating and configuring a client | Ktor Documentation
2024年8月12日 · import io.ktor.client.* val client = HttpClient() In this case, the client will choose an engine automatically depending on the artifacts added in a build script . You can learn how the client chooses an engine from the Default engine documentation section.
Server plugins | Ktor Documentation
2025年2月6日 · By default, Ktor does not activate any plugins, so it's up to you to install the plugins for the functionality your application needs. Ktor does, however, provide a variety of plugins that ship out of the box.
Routing | Ktor Documentation
2025年2月6日 · Routing is the core Ktor plugin for handling incoming requests in a server application. When the client makes a request to a specific URL (for example, /hello ), the routing mechanism allows us to define how we want this request to be served.
Creating a cross-platform mobile application | Ktor
2024年4月30日 · The Ktor HTTP client can be used in multiplatform projects. In this tutorial, we'll create a simple Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application, which sends a request and receives a response body as plain HTML text.
Create a website in Kotlin with Ktor | Ktor Documentation - Ktor Help
2024年10月17日 · Learn how to build websites with Ktor and Kotlin. This tutorial shows you how to combine Thymeleaf templates with Ktor routes to generate HTML-based user interfaces on the server side.