yhg926/public_kssd: K-mer substring space decomposition - GitHub
Kssd is a command-line tool for large-scale sequences sketching and resemblance- and containment-analysis. It sketches sequences by k-mer substring space sampling/shuffling, please see Methods part of our Genome Biology paper (https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-021-02303-4) for how it …
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Kssd: sequence dimensionality reduction by k-mer substring ...
2021年3月16日 · Here, we develop k -mer substring space decomposition (Kssd), a sketching technique which is significantly faster and more accurate than current sketching methods. We show that it is the only method that can be used for large-scale dataset comparisons at population resolution on simulated and real data.
Sequences Dimensionality-Reduction by - bioRxiv
2019年8月14日 · We proposed a new sequence sketching technique named k -mer substring space decomposition (kssd), which sketches sequences via k -mer substring space sampling instead of local-sensitive hashing. Kssd is more accurate and faster for resemblance estimation than other sketching methods developed so far.
We proposed a new sequence sketching technique named k-mer substring space decomposition (kssd), which sketches sequences via k-mer substring space sampling instead of local-sensitive hashing. Kssd is more accurate and faster for resemblance estimation than other sketching methods developed so far.
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Kssd: sequence dimensionality reduction by k-mer substring ...
2021年3月16日 · Here, we develop k -mer substring space decomposition (Kssd), a sketching technique which is significantly faster and more accurate than current sketching methods. We show that it is the only method that can be used for large-scale dataset comparisons at population resolution on simulated and real data.