Can anyone explain KRSI rankings to me? : r/CompetitiveWoW
Oct 12, 2015 · KRSI (Kihra's Resolve-> Weighted Survivability Index) is comprised of 50% self-TMI and 50% external healing required per second, weighted by resolve. The end result is …
Is KRSI (tank survivability) now reliable due to having ... - Reddit
Apr 27, 2017 · The thing about KRSI (Kihra's Resolve-Weighted Survivability Index) is: Resolve was a skill every tank lost with the Legion-Prepatch. It took the resolve value to get the …
Da li policija krsi zakon? : r/bih - Reddit
May 29, 2024 · Dakle, svi znam da ako bismo nosili noz sa sobom i kada bi nas policija zaustavila taj isti noz bi bio oduzet
How viable is the tank rankings on warcraftlogs? : r/wow - Reddit
Mar 25, 2015 · Khira of WarcraftLogs invented one (that uses TMI as one of its variables) called the KRSI = Kihra's Resolve-Weighted Survivability Index. It has to do more with how much you …
SBB krsi zakon o zastiti podataka o licnosti (GDPR)
Jul 12, 2022 · SBB krsi zakon o zastiti podataka o licnosti (GDPR) Pre 2 godine, nakon sto sam raskinuo ugovor sa kablovskim operaterom SBB sam i popunio papir u njihovoj poslovnici za …
Kris Jenner Says It Was a 'Huge Mistake' Cheating on Robert
Yeah she was still married to Cait at the time and claimed that she was constantly being called “Kris Kardashian” everywhere she went - there was even a heavily staged moment where …
Deltarune what happened to Kris[ Ending] Explained! : r/Deltarune
Nov 30, 2019 · Deltarune is a second game made by Toby which is now already a year old (the beta) there's still seems many questions left to figure out until the…
What happened to EXO's China line?(T/W: Kris Wu situation)
Mar 28, 2023 · A place to ask your K-Pop questions. You can get help with Identifications, Recommendations, Explanations, or Discussions about K-Pop music, artists, genres, content, …
Capturing the king during a war : r/ck3 - Reddit
Jan 6, 2021 · Is there a tried and tested way of capturing the king during a war So far I've just been hitting the capital and/or the biggest army I can find in…
Is Hidan dead or not?! : r/Naruto - Reddit
Mar 16, 2014 · 18 votes, 33 comments. So hidan was trapped by shikamarus genius and buried in pieces, but hidan being immortal threatened to gnaw his way through…