Is using KLOC just to normalize size of projects still bad?
2018年10月9日 · KLOC is a (very) bad indicator for productivity: writing a nice reusable and maintainable classes/functions can result in much smaller code, than dumb copy/paste/edit …
code quality - how to measure defects per KLOC - Software …
Finally, the KLOC is a concept that was introduced in a time where dominant languages were line oriented (e.g. fortran, cobol). So it's really a question nowadays, what should count for a LOC: …
Connection between code coverage and defects per KLOC
2023年6月12日 · Trying to divine code quality via KLOC is like trying to decide if your town has a criminal element based on the town's surface area. It just doesn't quite make sense. The …
Is the average number of bugs per loc the same for different ...
2013年2月3日 · I have been told that the average number of bugs/defects per line of code is "constant" for different programming languages. 10 KLOC of Ruby would have the same …
Are there known valid uses of SLOC to measure productivity?
2017年11月20日 · If that is true, using Python would result in twice the productivity, based on the KLOC metrics above. He may also mean that an average developer in the company produces …
estimation - What is the relationship between the time it takes to ...
According to one online implementation, your original 1 KLOC should have taken around 4 person months of effort, and your 4 KLOC should take around 10 person months (for one set of …
estimation - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
2019年11月20日 · The COCOMO's estimation principle is that the product is an independent software that forms a whole. So if you can split your code into 2x50 Kloc, and each part could …
Does defect density measure QA or dev effectiveness?
2018年10月8日 · Number of bugs / Size (KLOC, Story points, Function points..) I have read that it measures the effectiveness of QA, but I do not get it: I can have a super senior developer and …
How to estimate SLOC for project that has no source code yet?
The only way to get the SLOC input to COCOMO is to estimate that. There are different estimation approaches that you can use to try to come up with an estimate for the size of the …
project management - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …