r/mash on Reddit: Where did Klinger get all of his skirts, dresses ...
KLINGER (in a wedding dress): No, sir. HAWKEYE: First of all, it's gorgeous. It's so easy to go overboard with one of those, but that's tasteful without being gaudy. KLINGER: Thank you, sir. …
r/mash on Reddit: TV Rewind: Why M*A*S*H's Warm Acceptance …
2022年9月9日 · I am trans, and klinger is just as difficult for me, bc I enjoy his character but cannot ignore he was created for jokes. the important thing to remember is klinger doesnt exist …
The best quote From Corporal Max Q Klinger : r/mash - Reddit
Klinger: "Far away too." My other favorite: "Colonel Potter, sir; Corporal Klinger. I'm section eight, Head to toe. I'm wearing a Warner bra. I like to play with dolls. My last wish is to be buried in …
Why did Klinger stop cross-dressing once he became company …
Usually when a screw-up finally tries to step up and do well, the people around them kind of hold them back. The others at MASH did the opposite. They even gave him quite a bit of on-the-job …
r/mash on Reddit: So there are MANY great lines and quotes from …
2019年7月4日 · I forget what it's called. I love at the end when Klinger is asking why Hawkeye's still awake and he says "just finishing some paperwork". Klinger says "if there's one thing …
Klingers discharge : r/mash - Reddit
2023年9月30日 · You know, Klinger was an effing success. He parlayed a one-time guest spot into a semi- than full-time regular. Section 8 my ass. He was as sane as anyone! My favorite …
Had Klinger sucseeded in a section 8 : r/mash - Reddit
2024年5月30日 · In reality Klinger could have been sent to a military prison before being dishonorably discharged. If Klinger got his section 8 for mental problems he could have also …
Klinger & Captain John Yossarian : r/mash - Reddit
2021年4月21日 · What they've said is that Klinger was inspired by a story told by Lenny Bruce, who dressed as a woman to get out of being drafted. MASH and Catch-22 are sort of …
How'd Klinger Eat the Jeep? : r/mash - Reddit
2020年12月8日 · There are lots of ways in Hollywood to make things look a certain way. I always thought that '30 weight motor oil' looked an awful lot like maple syrup and while the nut he …
Why does Klinger get his own tent? : r/mash - Reddit
Considering I am an enlightened human living in the year 2020, and not some slave to the arbitrary gender mores of the 1950s, of course I would want to share a tent with a cross …