Fíli and Kíli | Tolkien Wiki
Jun 4, 2020 · Kili has more of a dark brown hair and is referred to as the “black-haired archer” by the Orcs. According to the statement released by the studio regarding the back story of Fili …
Kili And Tauriel Romance??? | The Tolkien Forum
Dec 19, 2012 · The whole things is ridiculous, but it's business, stupid. All those 14-year-olds who are drooling over Kili now, want something for their money. I can - partly - understand. He IS a …
♀️ Tauriel | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 29, 2020 · After learning that Kili was poisoned, Tauriel almost kills Narzug but was dismissed by Thranduil. They manage to learn from him that they were working for Sauron and of …
Crafting a meaningful last name for Kili? - The Tolkien Forum
Mar 3, 2015 · I have been torturing myself trying to figure out what Kili's last name is. I used to think it was Oakenshield-hence my name- but I realised that is not right. I have eventually …
Thorin II Oakenshield | Tolkien Wiki
May 26, 2020 · Thorin entered and was planning to save Kili, but before he could make a move. He ended up being stabbed by his enemy. Thorin only withstands because of the help of …
️ Morgul-knife | Tolkien Wiki
Jun 3, 2020 · In this Peter Jackson movie, Kili was wounded by a Nazgûl that made him very sick. Tauriel was able to save him with the help of the Athelas herb and Elven healing. It was the …
Fili and Kili - The Tolkien Forum
Mar 29, 2002 · Did Fili and Kili die in the Battle of Five Armies? I don't remember reading about their fall, but there was something in later text like, Rest in peace...
kili and Fili - The Tolkien Forum
Jun 13, 2003 · The first time I read The Hobbit I was devastated when Fili and Kili died. I was so sad. They were some of my favorite characters. Though, Thorin's death was a lot sadder. He …
⚔️ Siege of Dale | Tolkien Wiki
Nov 19, 2020 · The other three were slain by the ferocious Dwarven warriors using swords and axes. This left the adversary with a weaker offense. Together with their men, Dain and Thorin …
Bofur | Tolkien Wiki
Aug 18, 2020 · Kili, Fili, and Oin also remain in Lake-town because the Orcs had fatally injured Kili with a poisoned arrow. Later that evening, Kili’s injury worsens, and the Dwarves take shelter …