Kh-29 - Wikipedia
The Kh-29 (Russian: Х-29; NATO: AS-14 'Kedge '; GRAU: 9M721) is a Soviet air-to-surface missile with a range of 10–30 km. It has a large warhead of 320 kg, has a choice of laser, …
Kh-29TE - War Thunder Wiki
The Kh-29TE is a Soviet TV-guided air-to-ground missile. It was introduced in Update "Air Superiority". It is a range-enhanced version of the Kh-29T. Describe the type of damage …
Kh-29反舰导弹 - 百度百科
kh-29t 和 kh-29l 属于较老旧的发射前锁定(lobl)式制导导弹,必须在目标进入机载吊舱的目视范围才能发动攻击, 最大有效射程在 10 至 12 公里之间。 Kh-29MP 似乎沿用了 Kh-25MP 反辐 …
Kh-29 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Kh-29 (Russian: Х-29; NATO: AS-14 'Kedge'; GRAU: 9M721) is a Soviet air-to-surface missile with a range of 10–30 km. It has a large warhead of 320 kg, has a choice of laser, …
2022年4月19日 · 从“红星台”画面上能看出,这次苏-34携带的是“大眼睛”的Kh-29TE电视制导型,它的射程从最初的10公里增加到30公里,可以发射前锁定然后“射后不理”,但和更先进、射 …
(PDF) Kh-29TE - ResearchGate
2025年1月23日 · The Kh-29TE is an export-orie nted version of the Kh- operational scenarios. 1. Mission Profile: command posts, and hangars. o Neutralizing bridges, industrial facilities, and …
X-29 Missile (KH-29 Missile - China Defence Website
Kh-29 (Russian: X-29), the Russian army began to develop a large caliber X-29 missile with laser and television guidance system. The missile has 317 kg of powerful armor-piercing explosive …
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KH29飛彈:詳細介紹:,規格制式:,_中文 ... - 中文百科全書
KH-29TE電視制導空地飛彈是中國蘇-30MKK戰機的標準空地武器之一,前蘇聯/俄羅斯的第三代戰術空地飛彈,俄羅斯代號Х-29 (KH-29),西方稱之為AS-14,綽號“小貓”,是一種類似美國小 …
Kh-29 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Kh-29TE is an extended range version of the Kh-29T TV-guided air-to-surface missile powered by a fixed-thrust solid-fuel rocket engine. Depending on the launch altitude its …
2024年8月28日 · Kh-29导弹是苏联在上世纪70年代研制的第三代近程空地导弹家族,北约称为AS-14“小锚”,比肩美制AGM-65“小牛”空地导弹,主要用于装备苏军前线航空兵的战斗轰炸机、强 …
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