What is the kenosis? What does it mean that Jesus emptied Himself?
2022年1月4日 · The term kenosis refers to the doctrine of Christ’s “self-emptying” in His incarnation. The word comes from the Greek of Philippians 2:7, which says that Jesus …
Kenosis - Wikipedia
Kenosis, relative to the human nature, denotes the continual epiklesis and self-denial of one's own human will and desire. With regard to Christ, there is a kenosis of the Son of God, a …
Kenosis - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway
KENOSIS kĭ nō’ sĭs, kĕ (κενώσις, emptying, depletion). The term was used first in the Patristic lit. and was used in Christian theology from about the 1st cent., usually as a synonym for the …
Kenosis Meaning - Bible Definition and References - Bible Study Tools
Discover the meaning of Kenosis in the Bible. Study the definition of Kenosis with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.
Kenosis | Catholic Answers Magazine
2019年1月11日 · The kenosis of Jesus is a model for his followers of complete self-renunciation. We too are called to “empty ourselves”—ridding ourselves of our pride, our self-love, our …
The kenosis - What is it? - Compelling Truth
The kenosis of Christ is His emptying Himself of certain divine privileges to become a servant for those He loves. But what exactly did Christ empty Himself of? There are at least four things …
What does kenosis mean in Christian theology? - Bible Hub
Kenosis refers to Christ’s self-emptying in His incarnation, a crucial theological concept illustrating how the eternal Son of God humbled Himself to take on humanity while preserving His full …
Topical Bible: Kenosis
Kenosis is a theological term derived from the Greek word "κένωσις" (kenosis), meaning "emptying." It is primarily associated with the doctrine of the Incarnation, particularly as it …
Kenosis | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia
Kenosis, a term derived from the discussion as to the real meaning of Phil., ii, 6 sqq.: “Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But emptied [ekenosen] …
What is Kenosis? Deep Truth Behind the Birth of Jesus Christ
2022年12月2日 · The term kenosis comes from the Greek word for the doctrine of Christ’s self-emptying in His incarnation. The kenosis was a self-renunciation, not an emptying Himself of …