约 1,400,000 个结果
  1. Kennewick Police Department的地图
    29 分钟后营业
    8:30 AM - 4 PM
    8:30 AM - 4 PM
    8:30 AM - 4 PM
    New Year's Eve,营业时间可能有所变化
    8:30 AM - 4 PM
    New Year's Day,营业时间可能有所变化
    8:30 AM - 4 PM
  2. Kennewick Police Department - Facebook

    Kennewick Police Department. 63,306 likes · 6,771 talking about this · 489 were here. We will provide excellent public service and ensure the safety and...

    • 3.3/5
    • 粉丝数目: 6.6万
    • 877 个赞
  3. Staff Directory • Police Department

    Find the names, titles, emails, phones and additional information of the staff members of the Kennewick Police Department. The department is located at 211 W 6th Avenue and has divisions for operations, criminal investigation, patrol …

  4. Records | Kennewick, WA

    The Records Unit processes reports, citations, warrants, court orders and other paperwork for the Patrol and Investigations Units. It also handles requests for case reports, record checks, CPL, clearance letters and speaker/tour requests.

  5. Kennewick Police Department in Kennewick, Washington - County …

  6. About Us | Kennewick, WA

  7. 其他用户还问了以下问题
  8. FAQs • How can I talk to an officer? - go2kennewick.org

  9. Patrol Division | Kennewick, WA

    The function of the Kennewick Police Department Patrol Division is to provide professional law enforcement services to our community. These services include crimes in progress, criminal investigations, traffic enforcement, and other …

  10. ONLINE REPORTING NOW... - Kennewick Police Department

  11. Public Information | Kennewick, WA

    The Kennewick Police Department has a lead public information officer that is assigned to the command staff. There are seven patrol squads including the traffic unit that provide 24/7 coverage of the city.