Ken So - SALT
Ken is the founder & CEO of Octagon, a venture-backed Gen AI startup that aims to surpass human boundaries in investment research. Previously, Ken founded two venture-backed fintech startups with a successful exit in Tillful which modernized SMB credit using AI and cash-flow data (acquired by Nav).
2022年5月18日 · City Attorney Mara W. Elliott announced today that Chief Deputy City Attorney Ken So has been selected as one of the San Diego County Bar Association’s Service Award winners for 2022. So will receive the Bar Association’s Service to Diversity Award at a ceremony Friday afternoon.
Ken So - Founder & CEO @ Flowcast - Crunchbase Person Profile
Ken So is the founder and CEO of Flowcast / Tillful, a Silicon Valley-based fintech focused on modernizing SMB credit. Flowcast is backed by ING Ventures, Katalyst Ventures, StartX and BitRock Capital, among others.
蘇興錶會計師事務所 - 首頁 - KEN SO & CO.
我們是註冊會計師並且擁有豐富的審計經驗! 我們是根據《香港專業會計師條例》(第50章)註冊的會計師事務所。 我們是受香港會計師公會「HKICPA」認可可為客人提供會計,稅務,審計和鑑證服務。 創始人蘇先生是香港註冊會計師(執業會計師),蘇先生曾在其中一間四大會計師事務所從事數年的上市公司審計工作。 我們提供各種服務,旨在幫助您成長和繁榮。 我們的專業人員在眾多行業中經驗豐富,並具有解決最緊迫問題的專業知識。 更重要的是,我們主動了解需 …
Ken So - San Francisco Bay Area | Professional Profile - LinkedIn
Ken So Industrial Designer with the expertise to determine functionality and enhancements. Knowledgeable in turning concepts into reality by creating production-ready designs.
- 500+ 连接数
Ken So | Founder & CEO - Flowcast Inc. / Tillful | Forbes ...
Fintech / AI startup founder, business development executive with over 20+ years in strategic partnerships, M&A & investment, investment banking, research, and engineering.
Committee for Diversity & Inclusion | City of San Diego ...
Ken So, Chief Diversity Officer. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” -- Maya Angelou. To me, diversity and inclusion means creating a sense of connectedness, community, and understanding.
KEN SO & CO. - Certified Public Accountants
Find out from us what the budget means for you, your business and Hong Kong’s economy. The two-tier profits tax rates for companies (8.25%/16.5%) and unincorporated businesses (7.5%/15%) remain unchanged.
Ken So - Author Biography - Entrepreneur
Ken So is the founder and CEO of Flowcast/Tillful, a Silicon Valley-based fintech startup that modernizes business credit for small businesses.
Ken So - Forbes Finance Council
2020年10月15日 · Founder & CEO of Tillful, building fintech/AI products to help SMEs. When you look at the data waterfall, payroll data is the provenance of all the other data sources that eventually wind...