Kv10.1 K (+) channel: from physiology to cancer - PubMed
This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of research on the role of Kv10.1 channel in physiopathology. Focus is placed on biophysical and …
Potassium channels: Novel targets for tumor diagnosis and ...
Kv10.1 is a standard tumor marker that is overexpressed in approximately 70% of human tumors and cancer cell lines, and channel inhibition reduces tumor growth . Chloroquine, as a Kv10.1 …
The Kv10.1 Channel: A Promising Target in Cancer - PubMed
2022年7月30日 · Among all ion channels, the voltage-gated potassium channels Kv10.1 have been established as a promising target in cancer treatment due to their high expression in …
Kv10.1 potassium channel: from the brain to the tumors
The KCNH1 gene encodes the Kv10.1 (Eag1) ion channel, a member of the EAG (ether-à-go-go) family of voltage-gated potassium channels.
Kv10.1 K + channel: from physiology to cancer - Springer
2016年1月8日 · This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of research on the role of Kv10.1 channel in physiopathology. Focus is placed on biophysical and …
Guiding TRAIL to cancer cells through Kv10.1 potassium channel ...
2016年6月27日 · Kv10.1 is a voltage-gated potassium channel, which has been identified as a tumor marker several years ago. The agent consists of a Kv10.1-specific single-chain antibody …
Potassium Channels as a Target for Cancer Therapy: Current …
The Ether à go-go (Eag (hERG); Kv10.1) K + channel expression is typically restricted to the adult brain and the heart, but it has been detected in several cancer cell lines and tumor tissues …
Rapid Internalization of the Oncogenic K+ Channel KV10.1
2011年10月12日 · KV10.1 is a mammalian brain voltage-gated potassium channel whose ectopic expression outside of the brain has been proven relevant for tumor biology. Promotion of …
Functional KV10.1 Channels Localize to the Inner Nuclear Membrane
2011年5月3日 · We show that K V 10.1 is expressed at the inner nuclear membrane in both human and rat models; it co-purifies with established inner nuclear membrane markers, shows …
In humans, Kv10.1 is encoded by the KCNH1 gene, locat-ed at 1q32.132.3. This is a relatively large locus for a potas- sium channel, with 11 exons and large introns. The gene spans over …