Just got the KV-3, any tips I should know how to run it, and
Apr 15, 2012 · The crazy MM values of the KV-3 don't certainly help and it just feels like tier 6 heavies and mediums are cannon fodder for tier 8 tanks most of the time. When they're top …
Should the KV-3 (Object 223) be added eventually? : r/Warthunder …
The KV-3 (Obj. 223) is was another Soviet HT prototype that was passed over for the IS series instead. From what I’ve read on multiple websites, what exactly happened to this prototype are …
KV-3 or IS? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
Jul 21, 2022 · Well sorry than, but IS-7 is also in the line of IS-7, the wording is confusing. IS-3 and IS-8 are questionable tanks for sure, but stock grind is easier and they share modules with …
IS or KV3? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
Jul 5, 2021 · Go to the KV-3 line for the IS-4. The KV-3 itself is mediocre as hell, but the KV-4 is awesome. The ST-I.... Save up as much free XP as humanly possible. Like, don't spend a …
KV-3 or IS : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
Nov 21, 2020 · KV-3: underrated imo. It can sidescape hella good, has a good turret, non-large cupola, and a good gun (don’t fuggin use the 400α ones guys cmon) as well as good frontal …
The KV-3: Why She's Currently Unfit for Tier 7 and What I ... - Reddit
Jan 23, 2018 · Moving on, here's a problem that's rather short and simple: the bad view range. While view range is one of the native disadvantages of heavy tanks, 340 metres gives the KV …
KV-3 best gun options : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Jan 5, 2023 · The 122mm is by far the best gun on the KV-3, and you need to unlock it to get the KV-4 anyway. It is a waste to rush to the IS-2-2 and sell the KV-3 before you have everything …
Is the KV-3 bad? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Aug 26, 2023 · I would call the KV-3 a slower IS with better side armor. Cannon is like the IS. Either you hit everything or nothing. Typical 122mm shotgun. Equipment: hardening, turbo …
KV3 or IS? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
Jan 13, 2021 · IS has the same if not better armour profile, with the same gun and better mobility. Only upsides of KV-3 seem to be : Easier to sidescrape (angle your side to bounce) as there is …
Comparison between the top 3 KV-3 Guns : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
May 18, 2013 · I'm now grinding through KV-3 and find D-2-5T more enjoyable (haven't unlocked the last one yet). With stock engine it's pretty hard to get to all the cool sniping positions. And …