KV63 - Wikipedia
KV63 is a chamber in Egypt 's Valley of the Kings pharaonic necropolis. Initially believed to be a royal tomb, it is now believed to have been a storage chamber for the mummification process. [1] . It was found in 2005 by a team of archaeologists led by Otto Schaden. The chamber contained seven wooden coffins and many large storage jars.
Valley of the Kings Tomb 63 - Spring 2006 - The University of Memphis
On February 9, 2006, the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt announced the discovery of a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings. This tomb, designated KV 63, was found by a mission of the University of Memphis ' Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology working in collaboration with Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.
2009年12月11日 · Dr. Zahi Hawass officially announced our newly discovered tomb, KV-63 on 10 February 2006. However, the initial shaft was discovered a few days before the end of our 2005 season. KV-63 is the first tomb to be discovered in the Valley of the Kings since 1922.
The Final Coffin - Archaeology Magazine Archive
See our coverage "KV 63: A Look at the New Tomb" and "Valley of the Kings Cliffhanger" and the excavation web site www.kv-63.com. At the beginning of summer, there was still hope that the...
KV 63: A Look at the New Tomb - Archaeology Magazine Archive
The Amenmesse Project, KV-10 and KV-63 (KV stands for "King's Valley") is directed by Dr. Otto Schaden and is a University of Memphis (Tennessee) Mission. Dr. Schaden first began excavating...
Queen Ankhesenamun: Her Mysterious Death & Tomb KV63
2019年3月18日 · Perhaps only Cleopatra VII has such a tragic story as the turbulent personal history of the vanishing Princess Ankhesenamun. Born around c. 1350 B.C. Ankhesenamun or “Her Life Is of Amun ” was the third of King Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti ’s six daughters.
Valley of the Kings: KV-63: Tomb or Room? - World Archaeology
2006年3月6日 · Previously, 62 tombs were known in the Valley of the Kings – labelled KV-1 to KV-62. In February, the new tomb, labelled KV-63, took its place in the catalogue. Day by day, we have been hearing news of the unfolding story of its excavation.
This is KV 63 as it was found in 2006 - NILE Magazine
2017年6月20日 · They call it serendipity – a happy chance discovery – and it is the perfect word to describe the unearthing of KV63 – the first tomb to be discovered in the Valley of the Kings since Tutankhamun’s.
KV-63 featured in an article about archaeological discoveries in Egypt. · The Amenmesse Project: Season of 2010 by Otto J. Scahen. Report submitted to the SCA for publication in the Annales du service des Antiquities de l' Egypt (ASAE) .
2009年11月26日 · The Mysterious Tomb 63: The Latest Discovery in the Valley of the Kings, Art and Archaeology of Susan Osgood. Sue states: For part of each year, I work as an artist for the University of Chicago’s Epigraphic Survey drawing the reliefs of ancient temples in Luxor, Egypt.