KARI KSR-3 - Wikipedia
KSR-3 or KSR-III (Korean Sounding Rocket-3) [2] is a South Korean liquid sounding rocket designed by Korea Aerospace Research Institute. [3] It was launched successfully on November 28, 2002 for scientific surveillance purposes. [4]
KSR-III - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
KSR-III (Korean Sounding Rocket-III)은 대한민국 의 관측 로켓 으로서, 최초의 액체연료 (액체 산소 / Jet A-1) 로켓이다. 1단 로켓만으로 구성된 KSR-III이 2002년 11월 28일 충남 태안 안흥종합시험장 에서 시험 발사를 성공했다.
The Korean Sounding Rocket Program - ScienceDirect
2008年6月1日 · The KSR-III telemetry system is the upgraded version of the KSR-I and -II systems. One of the main differences from the previous system is the existence of a telemetry encoder unit (TEU) and multiple data acquisition modules …
Overview of scientific payloads onboard the KSR-III rocket
2007年5月1日 · The Korea Sounding Rocket-III (KSR-III) was successfully launched on November 28, 2002 from the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. The science payload onboard the KSR-III included an ozone detector and two magnetometers along with other various sensors installed to measure physical characteristics such as temperature, pressure, strain, and ...
KSR-III - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The KSR-III demonstrated key technologies for the KSLV-I satellite launch vehicle in the propulsion, guidance, control, and mission design areas. The Korea-developed pressure-fed liquid oxygen/kerosene motor provided a thrust of 12,500 kgf at sea level.
KSR 시리즈 - 나무위키
2024年3月22日 · 현재 대덕 한국항공우주연구원 위성연구동에 전시되어 있다. 본래 정부는 KSR-I부터 KSR-III까지 각각 1단형, 2단형, 3단형 과학로켓으로 개발하여 단 수를 순차적으로 늘려가려고 했었다. 다만 KSR-III에 액체추진체를 사용하기로 하면서 단계적인 기술확보를 위해 1단 액체 + 2단 고체 로켓으로 이루어진 기본형을 먼저 개발한 뒤에 1, 2단 액체 + 3단 고체로 이루어진 응용형을 개발하기로 하였다.
Firing Test of KSR-III Rocket Propulsion System - Korea Science
In this paper, the authors are intended to introduce the multi-purpose test facility (PTA-II Test Facility) which is constructed for the variety of tests on KSR-III feeding system (single component tests, verification tests, cold flow tests and combustion tests) and its firing test results.
Flight tests of the KSR-III: The enhanced onboard electronics system
2004年8月4日 · The third-generation Korean sounding rocket, KSR-III, was successfully launched on Nov. 28, 2002 from the western coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. The previous KSR-I and -II series had...
2004年9月28日 · 韩国首枚液体燃料火箭KSR-III在韩国西海岸发射升空,这是韩国在研制小卫星运载工具方面迈出的重大一步。 这枚三级火箭由韩国航天研究局研制,先前研制的KSR-I和KSR-II运载火箭均使用固体燃料发动机,分别与1993年和1997年发射。 KSR-III火箭长14米、重6吨、推力12.5吨,研制工作始于1997年12月,总投资6420万美元。 该火箭被发射至离地面42千米的高空,最大飞行速度为902米/秒,整个飞行轨迹长79米,飞行时间231.44秒,最后落入韩国西部海 …
Flight Tests of the KSR-III: The Enhanced Onboard Electronics System
The third-generation Korean sounding rocket, KSR-III, was successfully launched on Nov. 28, 2002 from the western coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. The previous KSR-I and -II series had employed a solid propulsion system whereas the …
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