Steve Robinson with Church of The King – KGEB
Steve Robinson with Church of The King. Join Pastor Steve Robinson of Church of the King for inspiring, practical Bible teaching that makes sense for everyday life.
Public File – KGEB
View our public files in person Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm at the KGEB offices in the ORU Mabee Center, E 81st St and S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK.
Int’l Fellowship of Christians and Jews – KGEB
KGEB produces and distributes life changing content and wholesome entertainment that cultivates faith, strengthens families, brings hope to finances and empowers the physical body.
Joy with Danette – KGEB
Joy with Danette. Danette Crawford is a powerful speaker, author, TV host, and international evangelist with a refreshing message of hope and encouragement.
GEB Podcast S2-24 Eric Skeldon-Unlocking Your Entrepreneurial …
KGEB produces and distributes life changing content and wholesome entertainment that cultivates faith, strengthens families, brings hope to finances and empowers the physical body.
GEB Podcast Ep 47: Miraculous Provision; How God Paid Off the …
In this episode, Bishop Kevin Wallace shares his journey from growing up in the inner city of Chattanooga to becoming the pastor of Redemption to the Nation’s Church.
KGEB produces and distributes life changing content and wholesome entertainment that cultivates faith, strengthens families, brings hope to finances and empowers the physical body.
GEB Podcast S2 Ep 12: Angel Studios’ Bonhoeffer Movie Director …
In this episode, Stephen Gunn interviews Todd Komarnicki, the director of the Angel Studios release Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. As the world teeters on the brink of annihilation, …
Finding Faith in Hollywood – KGEB
Hollywood and Christianity aren’t exactly synonymous in today’s world. In fact, many stars are outspoken about their negative feelings about the church and even the Bible.
Why Unity in the Church is Important - KGEB
In a season where divides are becoming deeper in our culture, it’s tempting for Christians to separate from one another as well. Whether it has to do with denominations, political feelings, …