KFC: World Famous Fried Chicken
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KFC® Menu - Order Online for Pick-Up or Delivery | KFC®
Browse our full menu including chicken sandwiches, fried chicken tenders, family meals & more! Order online for delivery or pick up at a KFC® near you.
KFC - Fried Chicken, Butter Biscuits, Sandwiches, & More
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KFC Locations in Los Angeles, CA| Fried Chicken, Butter Biscuits ...
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KFC - Home | KFC
KFC, a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, has been serving craveworthy, finger lickin’ good food since 1952. It all started with our chef and expert tastemaker, Colonel Harland Sanders, who went …
肯德基餐厅信息查询 - KFC
KFC St Lucia
Find the nearest KFC in your aera. KFC came to St. Lucia in 2011 with a wealth of history and a vision of excellence. KFC began with one determined man who became world famous for his …