K Desktop Environment 3 - Wikipedia
K Desktop Environment 3 (KDE 3) is the third series of releases of the K Desktop Environment (after that called KDE Software Compilation). It was one of the two major desktop environments for GNU/Linux systems between 2002 and 2008.
KDE 3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
KDE 3 是 KDE 發布的第三個系列。 本系列有6個主要的版本。 KDE 3.0. KDE 3.1,展示Konqueror和关于界面。 KDE 3.2,展示Konqueror and the About screen. This has been described as a watershed release. [1] 新的應用程式包括: [2] Kopete 即時通訊,支援 AOL即時通訊 、 MSN 、 Yahoo!奇摩即時通 、 ICQ 、Gadu-Gadu、 Jabber 、 IRC 、 簡訊 和 WinPopup。 KWallet,提供整合、安全的密碼和網頁表單資料之儲存。 KGpg,產業級加密工具的KDE介 …
KDE 3.0 Released to public
Apr 3, 2002 · The KDE Project today announced the immediate availability of KDE 3.0, the third generation of KDE, a free and powerful desktop for Linux and other UNIXes.
Announcing KDE 3.2
Feb 3, 2004 · The KDE Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of KDE 3.2, the third major release of the award-winning KDE3 desktop platform. KDE 3.2 is the result of a combined year-long effort by hundreds of individuals and corporations from around the globe.
KDE - Arch Linux 中文维基
KDE 是一套由 Plasma 桌面环境 、一系列的库、框架(KDE Frameworks)和一些应用组成的软件项目。 KDE 上游有一份维护良好的 UserBase Wiki,在此可以找到大多数 KDE 应用的详细信息。 安装 plasma-meta 包 元软件包或者 plasma 包组 组。 关于 plasma-meta 包 和 plasma 包组 两者的不同见 元软件包与软件包组。 若要使用 Plasma 的最小安装,请安装 plasma-desktop 包 包。 上游 KDE 有 软件包和安装推荐 以获得功能齐全的 Plasma 会话。 NVIDIA 显卡用户若使用私 …
Getting Started/Build/Historic/KDE 3.2
This page explains how to download and install KDE 3.2.x from sources. Requirements. To compile KDE you need: Qt 3.2.x - doesn't compile with Qt 3.1.x; Automake 1.5 and Autoconf 2.5; a C++ compiler which supports exceptions, preferably gcc-2.95.x or gcc-3.2; bunzip2 to decompress .bz2 files. You can find it here.
KDE3 - openSUSE Wiki
从 opensuse 11.2 开始,kde3 桌面环境就不再是发行版正式支持的一部分了,但是还可以从不受正式支持的 kde:kde3 供应源来安装 kde3。 kde3 的状况. opensuse 11.1 允许安装(或同时安装)kde3 或 kde4,以缓解对过渡到 kde4 的不适。
Trinity keeps KDE 3 on life support - LWN.net
May 20, 2024 · The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE), is a continuation of KDE 3 that has maintained the old-school desktop with semi-regular releases since 2010. The most recent release, R14.1.2, was announced on April 28. TDE does deliver a usable retro desktop, but with some limitations that hamper its usability on modern systems.
KDE 3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
Sep 26, 2020 · KDE 3 是 KDE 发布的第三个系列。 本系列有6个主要的版本。 KDE 3.0. KDE 3.1,展示Konqueror和关于界面。 KDE 3.2,展示Konqueror and the About screen. This has been described as a watershed release. [1] 新的应用程序包括: [2] Kopete 即时通信,支持 AOL即时通信 、 MSN 、 Yahoo!奇摩即时通 、 ICQ 、Gadu-Gadu、 Jabber 、 IRC 、 短信 和 WinPopup。 KWallet,提供集成、安全的密码和网页窗体资料之存储。 KGpg,产业级加密工具的KDE接 …
KDE Project History/KDE Three (Developer Meeting)
KDE 3.0 will be released just over 18 months after the first release in the KDE 2 series, and shortly after the last release of the KDE 2 series. The central goal of this new version is the migration of the KDE 2 code base to the new Qt-3 library .