An ancestral role for 3-KETOACYL-COA SYNTHASE3 as a negative …
May 29, 2023 · Some members of the 3-KETOACYL-COA SYNTHASE (KCS) family are known to act as metabolic enzymes involved in cuticular wax production. Here we report that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) KCS3, which was previously shown to lack canonical catalytic activity, instead functions as a negative regulator of wax metabolism by reducing the enzymatic ...
KCS1 encodes a fatty acid elongase 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase affecting wax biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. CUT1, an Arabidopsis gene required for cuticular wax biosynthesis and pollen fertility, encodes a very-long-chain fatty acid condensing enzyme. The HIC signalling pathway links CO2 perception to stomatal development.
Frontiers | Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of 3 ...
Jul 23, 2023 · 3-Ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS) is the key rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in plants, which determines the carbon chain length of VLCFAs. However, a comprehensive study of KCSs in Oryza sativa has not been reported yet.
Identification of KCS gene family and functional analysis of …
Mar 1, 2021 · KCS (3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase) is the key enzyme catalyzing the first step of very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) biosynthesis. Studies showed that different KCSs possessed different substrate preference.
湖北大学Huang, Haodong:3-酮酰基-COA合成酶3作为植物角质 …
Feb 21, 2023 · 在《植物细胞杂志》最近发表的一项研究中,研究人员发现了KCS3酶在调节植物角质层蜡质合成中的祖先作用。 该研究团队专注于KCS酶家族,已知该家族在角质层蜡质生成中发挥作用。 他们发现KCS3 (之前被认为缺乏催化活性)实际上是蜡代谢的负调节因子。 KCS3通过与脂肪酸延伸复合物的特定亚基相互作用,降低KCS6的活性,kcs 6是一种参与蜡生成的关键酶。 这种相互作用对于维持蜡体内平衡,或蜡生成和分解的平衡至关重要。 该团队还发现,KCS3 …
Two Arabidopsis 3-ketoacyl CoA synthase genes,
Oct 28, 2009 · The first committed step in VLCFA biosynthesis is condensation of C 2 units to an acyl CoA by 3-ketoacyl CoA synthase (KCS). In this study, two KCS genes, KCS20 and KCS2/DAISY, that showed higher expression in stem epidermal peels …
Tetracosanoic acids produced by 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 17 are …
Mar 14, 2024 · Very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) are precursors for the synthesis of membrane lipids, cuticular waxes, suberins, and storage oils in plants. 3-Ketoacyl CoA synthase (KCS) catalyzes the condensation of C2 units from malonyl-CoA to acyl-CoA, the first rate-limiting step in VLCFA synthesis.
Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of 3
Jul 24, 2023 · 3-Ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS) is the key rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in plants, which determines the carbon chain length of VLCFAs. However, a comprehensive study of KCSs in Oryza sativa has not been reported yet.
在植物中, 3-酮脂酰-coa 合成酶( kcs )是超长链不饱和脂肪酸合成的关键限速酶,具有组织表达特异性和底物特异性;文冠果基因组中共注释 kcs 基因 20 个,但在种子中特异调控神经酸累积的关键 kcs 基因尚不明确,值得研究。
Arabidopsis 3-Ketoacyl-CoA Synthase 4 is Essential for Root
Jan 12, 2021 · The first step of VLCFA synthesis is mediated by 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS), which catalyzes the condensation of a C2 unit from malonyl-CoA to acyl-CoA. In the present study, we investigated the role of KCS4 in pollen tube and root growth.