buying salvage car - Car Troubleshooting
Jan 22, 2008 · Hey Tom, A customer aksed me about a car he was thinking of buying, but the car was totaled. Its been fixed and he ask about getting a title for it.
2001 Altima bent axle? - Car Troubleshooting - Carjunky
May 2, 2006 · Hey guys I'm new to this forum and was hoping for some advice as I'm pretty lost when it comes to cars. Well the other night I went to a restaurant and was parking when I backed up into a small pole about 2 feet high.
Bleeding the Radiator - Car Troubleshooting - Carjunky
Jun 4, 2008 · You can jack up the front end to where the radiator filler is the highest point in the system. Fill with coolant.
Does gas go bad? - Gasoline, Motor Oils, Concept Cars and Engines
Sep 1, 2009 · Auto Repair Home>> Automotive World>> Gasoline, Motor Oils, Concept Cars and Engines. twentytwo94 New User
Gasoline, Motor Oils, Concept Cars and Engines - Carjunky
Nov 1, 2009 · Any idea why they put those coil loops i... 67 Mustang brake booster pedal issue I have a 67 Mustang with front disc and ...
1992 Ford Aerostar vacuum problem - Car Troubleshooting
I have a 1992 Ford Aerostar 4.0 v6 2wd. A vacuum line split and came off, I went to the junk yard and got a few sections of vacuum line to repair it with. The problem is that ALL my vacuum lines that connect to the manifold tree got mixed up. I used an online diagram from autozone and I think the lines are connected properly, but it still wont ...
Synthetic lubricants vs Standard Motor Oils - Gasoline ... - Carjunky
Mar 21, 2009 · Auto Repair Home>> Automotive World>> Gasoline, Motor Oils, Concept Cars and Engines. carminejg3 User Apr ...
Brake Problem (1991 Dodge Dakota) - Car Troubleshooting
Jan 8, 2008 · I have a brake problem on my 1991 Dodge Dakota. It is a V6. The brake petal goes to the floor when the brakes are applied.
Drove my car through a flood -- car horn is muffled
Aug 30, 2014 · kev2 and OP: Best part about used and get your own places is you find out on a junk just how it's fastened and if lots of those zip clips that always break get some of those too while there. Used the bumper could be apart already too, snip off wire and have the pigtail too to put with more junk you may never need or then when you do can't find it
plymouth breeze abs light - Car Troubleshooting - Carjunky
Oct 18, 2006 · A sensor could be covered with junk from brake fluid but should wash off with just water. While light is on you should have regular braking action if all else is normal, T Print Thread