Jund - MTG Wiki
Jund is composed of active volcanoes, sharp mountain ledges, and lush jungles. It has a pungent sulfuric atmosphere. The hot climate, bubbling tar-baths, and volcanic activity combine with …
JUND Gene - GeneCards | JUND Protein | JUND Antibody
2024年12月25日 · JUND (JunD Proto-Oncogene, AP-1 Transcription Factor Subunit) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with JUND include Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type I …
Jund - Wikipedia
Under the early Caliphates, a jund (Arabic: جند; plural ajnad, أجناد) was a military division, which became applied to Arab military territory in the conquered lands and, most notably, to the …
Black / Red / Green Lands - Jund
All Magic: the Gathering lands that produce black, red, or green mana, updated to Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
All 33 Jund Commanders in Magic Ranked - Draftsim
2024年7月6日 · Jund () takes the best parts of red, green, and black and mixes them together for a brutal combination of big creatures, sacrifice effects, and graveyard play. Jund decks can …
The 30 Best Jund Cards in Magic Ranked - Draftsim
2024年9月25日 · Whether you’re smashing faces with big creatures or using devious spells to mess with your opponent’s plans, Jund has some of the best cards around to make your deck …
Deck Evolutions: Modern Jund - MTGGoldfish
2015年8月27日 · Today I want to look at the evolution of one deck in specific: Modern Jund. If one deck has become synonymous with the Modern format over the past four years, it is probably …
Jund. Monocolor. Mono-White 76K decks. Mono-Blue 88K decks. Mono-Black 112K decks. Mono-Red 102K decks. Mono-Green 58K decks. Colorless 35K decks. Two Color. Azorius 96K …
The 12 Best Jund Combos in Magic Ranked
2024年12月31日 · Today, I’ll go over some of the best Jund-colored combos in Magic: The Gathering. Whether you're building around sacrifice synergies, graveyard recursion , or mana …
The Ultimate Guide to Classic Jund Midrange - TCGplayer Infinite
2025年2月13日 · Thought classic Jund Midrange was dead? Think again. Learn to play the deck like a pro with Reid Duke's in-depth Deep Dive!