JUKH 125
上海雷普电气有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的科技型企业。 自雷普品牌创立以来,经过十多年的锐意进取,目前雷普建立了一整套完善、规范的产品质量管理体系,获得了ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证证书和国家进出口自营权;并在欧美、东南亚及全国三十多个省市设立了经营或分销机构,产品受到了国内外客户的一致好评.
Mind & Technology - JUKI Official
Welcome to the official website of JUKI CORPORATION. This website introduces the various lineups of JUKI industrial sewing machines, household sewing machines and industrial equipment, as well as information on JUKI’s corporate organization, recruitment and IR activities, and environmental initiatives.
JUKI Industrial Sewing Machines | Professional & Commercial
JUKI’s industrial sewing machines widely support the global sewing industry by “stitching” products in all sewing fields, from maison brand products that propose the most advanced trends to casual apparel products, sporting goods, and active wear.
Juki America | Home Sewing, Serging, and Quilting Machines
JUKI’s revolutionary advancements in home technology include the development of the first rotary needle thread take-up system in l954. Beyond grateful to be a proud JUKI Ambassador! They have been really good to me and I'm grateful! They have blessed my work room with beautiful machinery that I wouldn't have otherwise!
Household sewing machines - JUKI Official
JUKI produces a selection of household sewing machines, tailor-use sewing machines, small-sized lock sewing machines, and quilt-making long-arm sewing machines as a comprehensive manufacturer. JUKI sells high-precision technology cultivated through a long history of industrial sewing machine development.
Juki TL-2010Q High Speed Sewing & Quilting Machine With …
Mar 29, 2016 · Shop JUKI at the Amazon Arts, Crafts & Sewing store. Free Shipping on eligible items. Save on everyday low prices.
JUKH 250 接线端子 - 雷普电气 - 盾捷电气科技(上海)有限公司
盾捷产品在使用过程中如因产品质量问题有“退换返修”的需求,您可通过盾捷客户端提交您的售后申请,盾捷客服会第一时间为您处理,在售后服务过程中如遇到问题也可致电盾捷客服热线:021-63596558. 1、盾捷退货政策. 2、售后上门取件. 您购买的盾捷商品7日内(含7日,自物流系统反馈签收之日起计算)因质量问题(非人为使用损坏)提交退换申请且审核通过,在盾捷配送范围内,盾捷提供免费上门取件服务。 非质量问题的上门取件需要收费。 法定节假日、停电、天气 …
售后团队提供 24小时 全天服务,积极回应您的售后问题。 多功能分线端子,接线端子,散热风扇,母排,母线转接器,温控器,风扇及过滤器,雷普电气leipold,中山顺宏电气-十年专注智能电控配电供应商,打造中国智能装备一站式采购平台。 咨询热线:400-667-51599.
雷普 LEIPOLE JUKH系列 接线端子 JUKH250 82.9*7.4 5012.127 …
易买工品官网24小时在线销售JUKH系列 接线端子,您可以看到雷普 LEIPOLE JUKH250 82.9*7.4 5012.127的最新价格,报价,图片等供应信息。 型号齐全,正品现货,全场满500免运费,支持货到付款,提供正规增值税发票!
雷普电气leipole单极接线端子 JUKH分线端子多功能分线端子
本公司生产销售单极接线端子 端子,提供单极接线端子专业参数,单极接线端子价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.单极接线端子 单极接线端子 品牌雷普电气|产地广东|价格70.00元|壳体材质透明pc|产品认证ce|额定功率10|适用范围多功能分线端子|型号jukh125 ...