This edition of Joint Publication (JP) 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, reflects the current doctrine for conducting joint, interagency, and multinational planning activities across the full range of military operations.
JP - JP-5™ Rifle
Never ones to rest on our laurels, we’ve pushed PCC design to the edge with the state-of-the-art JP-5™. This 9mm carbine combines every advantage of its predecessor with the legendary function of the H&K MP5.
Joint Chiefs of Staff > Doctrine > Joint Doctrine Pubs > 5-0 …
JP 5-0, Joint Planning This publication is the keystone document for joint planning. It provides the doctrinal foundation and fundamental principles that guide the Armed Forces of the United States in planning joint campaigns and operations.
JP-5™ Ultralight Carbine - JP Rifles
For the fastest PCC transitions possible, we proudly present the JP-5™ Ultralight. Much demanded and anticipated, this max speed carbine is built around our 9mm sleeved ultralight barrel. This competition rig is super light weight, especially in the muzzle end, making it perfect for the fanatic Steel Challenge competitor.
JP Enterprises JP-5 Review - Gun Digest
Jan 25, 2023 · Building on the legendary reputation of the H&K MP5, the JP-5 incorporates all of the magic of a roller-delayed system with everything people like about the AR platform. The result is that there’s just no comparison for recoil impulse or follow-up shot speed between the JP-5 and anything out there today.
JP-5™: Revolutionary 9mm Pistol Caliber Carbine - BattleHawk …
Explore the pinnacle of Pistol Caliber Carbines with the JP-5™. Blending H&K MP5 function with JP-5 innovation, this roller-delayed 9mm carbine delivers unmatched reliability, accuracy, and soft shooting.
Pistol-Caliber Carbine Perfection: JP Enterprises JP-5 9 mm
Sep 7, 2022 · Last year, JP Enterprises unleashed its latest innovation, the JP-5. An engineering marvel with all the bells and whistles, the JP-5 is a lightweight competition PCC with a roller-delayed blowback operating system that reduces recoil and can also be quickly reconfigured to better cycle different loads.
JP Enterprises JP-5 Roller-Delayed Blowback 9mm Carbines …
Jun 8, 2021 · The JP-5™ All Purpose Carbine is a well-rounded pistol caliber carbine (PCC) option for any application. With a low-profile Teflon® barrel and our tactical compensator, this rifle is equally at home anywhere from recreation to tactical to high-speed PCC competition.
Review: JP Rifles JP-5 | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal
Sep 30, 2021 · The 5.5-inch shrouded barrel should get the JP-5 just under the five-pound barrier, resulting in one of the lightest PCCs on the market. The weight of the 14.5-inch barrel with a pinned and welded titanium compensator feels uncompromised while transitioning the gun from target to target at speed.
JP-5™ Roller Delayed 9mm Carbine Ultralight
Shop the JP-5™ Roller Delayed 9mm Carbine Ultralight for superior performance and reduced weight. Experience precision engineering with JP's advanced roller delayed system for smooth cycling and unmatched reliability. Perfect for competitive shooting and tactical use.