2023年10月4日 · The Joint Commission recognizes that organizations face challenges with medication reconciliation. The best medication reconciliation requires a complete understanding of what the patient was prescribed and what medications the patient is actually taking.
Quick Safety 26: Transitions of Care: Managing ... - The Joint Commission
2019年9月7日 · The transitionally focused responsibilities of the inpatient pharmacists were expanded hospital-wide, along with the role of student pharmacists and residents in obtaining medication histories, reviewing the admission medication reconciliation, and …
Using Medication Reconciliation to Prevent Errors - Joint Commission ...
2005年4月21日 · Medication reconciliation is the process of comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking. This reconciliation is done to avoid medication errors such as omissions, duplications, dosing errors, or drug interactions.
Medication Reconciliation - Patient Safety and Quality - NCBI Bookshelf
Medication reconciliation is a formal process for creating the most complete and accurate list possible of a patient’s current medications and comparing the list to those in the patient record or medication orders. According to the Joint Commission 5 (p. 1),
The largest study of medication reconciliation errors and risk factors at hospital admission documented that 36% of patients had errors in their admission orders.7 The Joint Commission’s NPSG 8 for medication reconcilia-tion, originating in 2005, had two parts: 1. Requirement 8A—a process must exist for comparing the
Thorough medication reconciliation can improve patient safety by identifying and reconciling discrepancies. This document can assist pharmacists in setting up a medication reconciliation process in their practice setting or may be used as a guide for an existing service.
Improving Medication Reconciliation with Comprehensive …
2021年6月11日 · This study describes a quality improvement (QI) approach to improve medication reconciliation in an SNF setting as part of the Multi-Center Medication Reconciliation Quality Improvement Study 2 (MARQUIS2).
2019年9月7日 · • Involve pharmacists in medication reconciliation whenever possible. Pharmacists can play a major role on interdisciplinary teams conducting medication interventions during transitions of care. This was confirmed in one hospital-based study that also improved medication safety and had a positive impact on hospital re-presentation rates.
Chapter 3. Developing Change: Designing the Medication Reconciliation ...
What are the required elements for The Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goal on medication reconciliation? What resources are available within the organization to perform required steps in the process?
In medication reconciliation, a physician or other licensed practitioner compares the medications a patient should be using (and is actually using) to the new medications that are ordered for the patient and resolves any discrepancies.