John Ericsson - ASME
Apr 25, 2012 · John Ericsson improved steam engines, changed the shipping industry with his screw-powered propulsion, and had a major hand in the outcome of the civil war when Monitor scared off the Confederate Merrimac. His innovations were such a departure from established technology that those had the power to take advantage often did not.
Battle of the Ironclads: John Ericsson and the USS Monitor
Oct 24, 2011 · Portrait of John Ericsson. Ericsson was largely self-taught in engineering, but his sharp intellect and natural gifts for technical drawing and machine design carried him far. The ship: The Virginia was a captured Union vessel originally known as the Merrimac, reconfigured as an ironclad battery.
Captain John Ericsson. Ericsson utilized two Worthington direct-acting simplex steam pumps for general service including auxiliary boiler feed and firefighting on the Monitor. The primary advantages of these pumps, compared to contemporary flywheel and beam pumps, were their compact size and
#262 Worthington Steam Pumps from the USS Monitor - ASME
Aug 26, 2016 · Designed by Captain John Ericsson, the ships constructed included two Worthington direct-acting simplex steam pumps for pumping feed water, bilge dewatering, fire fighting, and as general service pumps.
5 Winning Weapons of World War I - ASME
Sep 15, 2015 · The idea of an underwater warship is ancient. The first modern ironclad submersibles, however, appeared during the U.S. Civil War, as typified by John Ericsson’s revolutionary U.S.S. Monitor. With the availability of wireless transmitters, periscopes, and internal combustion engines in the early 20th century, submarines had come into their ...
Ralph Coats Roe Medal - ASME
The Ralph Coats Roe Medal, established in 1972, recognizes an outstanding contribution toward a better public understanding and appreciation of the engineer'/s worth to contemporary society.
John Harrison - ASME
May 7, 2012 · Although a carpenter by trade, Harrison's father occasionally repaired clocks, and young John assisted his father in his work as soon as he was old enough. As he grew older, Harrison combined his interest in woodworking and timepieces to begin building clocks and completed his first longcase clock, more commonly called a grandfather clock, in ...
John Deere - ASME
Apr 25, 2012 · John Deere had uprooted his family and shop five times, had his shop burned down twice. In 1835, unable to pay back a debt of $78.76, he was arrested. Rather than face the risk of debtors prison, he paid his bail, left his wife and five children with the promise to call for them when he could, and headed west in the hopes of capitalizing on the ...
5 Questions with NASA Engineer Aprille Joy Ericsson - ASME
Feb 22, 2021 · NASA engineer Aprille Joy Ericsson’s career is distinguished by many “firsts.” She is the first African American woman to receive a doctorate in mechanical engineering from Howard University as well as the first to get her Ph.D. while working at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, where she currently serves as new business lead for the Instrument Systems and Technology Division.
John Delli Venneri ASME Assistant Secretary General Counsel FY2023 Senior Vice Presidents Nicole Kaufman Dyess ASME Student & Early Career Development Principal Nicole Kaufman Dyess LLC Thomas P. Pastor, P.E. ASME Standards & Certification Consulting Engineer Hartford Steam Boiler Michael S. Roy, P.E. ASME Member Development & Engagement Vice ...