New JLK bullets 2020 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年2月17日 · I decided to test the new JLK 130 grain bullets in my .260 Remington, since that chamber permits the bullet to reach the lands. The rifle is a trued Remington 700 built by …
JLK Vs. Berger | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年8月10日 · Re: JLK Vs. Berger not sure why but i've had much better results in my rifles with the bergers: 190 gr 30 cal in 308/300 win mag, 180 gr in 7mm wsm, 130 gr 6.5 in 6.5 x …
Anyone using JLK 7mm bullets | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年8月7日 · Re: Anyone using JLK 7mm bullets I was shooting 180 bergers and thought I would try the 180 JLK's. According to the ballistics programs using it's BC , I would be 0.3 Mils …
Swampworks JLK Bullets Info | Sniper's Hide Forum
2018年1月29日 · Well, one way would be to load some up on a ladder test to a super tight group in your riffle, get the velocity of the best group, then you would input your basic info (zero info, …
JLK bullets on game | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年11月13日 · Re: JLK bullets on game I talked to steve about this very thing. He said that since they use the same j4 jacket they would perform the same. My buddy shot a nice muley …
Range Report - 130gr JLK by the numbers - Sniper's Hide
Now that the 6.5 jackets are rolling again, my order of 130gr JLK's is finally in the mail from the Swampworks. Not having very good data on them, I did some math analysis of my own and I …
7mm JLK 180gr VLD, anyone using them in 7WSM? - Sniper's Hide
2008年5月1日 · Re: 7mm JLK 180gr VLD, anyone using them in 7WSM? I have loaded 10 rounds with the 180 JLK #28180. 62.0 H4831sc. Very accurate in my LSR 7WSM below. I have 240 …
Range Report - 130gr JLK by the numbers - Sniper's Hide
2011年4月1日 · Re: 130gr JLK by the numbers - evaluate my analysis JLK bullets are awesome. A clear step above the Berger VLD IMO. Better BC for sure. From what I have been told by …
135 JLK 6.5mm bullets | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年12月18日 · I have between 1300-1400 pointed 135 swampworks jlk bullets. They have a .650 g1 BC. My throat is a little long so I have gone to 147 hornadys so I dont need these. I'm …
JLK 6.5 130s | Sniper's Hide Forum
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