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Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
Joint Knowledge Online provides continuous, career-long development of joint knowledge and readiness for individuals, staffs, Combatant Commands, Combat Support Agencies, and the Services.
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
JS-US007 Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training (2 hrs) This web-based training is sponsored by the Joint Staff in coordination with the Military Services. Completion of this training meets the annual requirement for Level I Antiterrorism Training prescribed by DoDI 2000.16. The purpose of this training is to increase your awareness of terrorism and to improve your ability to apply …
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
J3TA-US1329 SERE 100.2 Level A SERE Education and Training in Support of the Code of Conduct (FOUO) (4 hrs) The Department of Defense has an obligation to train, equip, and protect its personnel, to prevent their capture and exploitation by its adversaries, and reduce the potential for personnel to be used as leverage against U.S. security objectives. This course will provide …
Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training - JKO LCMS
This stand alone training is sponsored by the Joint Staff in coordination with the Military Services. Completion of this training meets the annual requirement for Level I Antiterrorism Training prescribed by DoDI 2000.16. The purpose of this training is to increase your awareness of terrorism and to improve your ability to apply personal protective measures. It also provides …
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
DOD-US1364-20 Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Awareness Challenge 2020 (1 hr) This annual 2020 Cyber Awareness Challenge refresh includes updates to case studies, new information on the Cyberspace Protection Condition (CPCON) (formerly INFOCON), a feature allowing the course tutorial to be skipped, a combining of the DoD and Intelligence Community …
The user may then log into the JKO Direct server at https://jkodirect.jten.mil. For requests requiring verification, no account is created until the request is verified by the POC listed in the request.
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
SEJPME-US001 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (SEJPME) I Course - (40 hrs) The SEJPME Course is a stand-alone, 100% online, web-based course that uses multi-media instruction. The course contains a pre-test, 11 modules of instruction, section knowledge checks (quizzes), lesson feedback forms, and a final examination. In order to receive a completion …
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
DHA-US062 Personnel Readiness Transformation Training (1 hr) Personnel Readiness Transformation Training is a one-time requirement to train the command team on the redesign of personnel readiness and medical deployability. The end state is to train the force on the new personnel readiness deployability standards, improve the process for O-3 company …
Log on to JKO at https://jkodirect.jten.mil and click OK on the DoD Warning Banner. Within the Login to Virtual Campus area of the LCMS Login Page, click the link labeled “Forgot Password?”